January 02, 2019, 08:31:15 PM Last Edit: January 07, 2019, 04:50:15 PM by Angel of Debt
Death metal band, 'Grave Sermon' looking to play gigs between Feb 1st-Mar 17th (excluding Feb 19-23rd)

We have proper gear, a fair bit of experience (Ground of Ruin, Primal Dawn, Legion of Wolves etc.), and a 30 minute set of fast, aggressive death metal ready to go.

Just looking for any spot on an appropriate gig. 
Dublin, Cork, Galway, Limerick would be great, but anywhere considered really.

You can get me here, by email davidhynesmedia [at] gmail [dot] com on facebook  https://www.facebook.com/Grave-Sermon-354638621797192/
or gimme a text/call on 0861592183

David Hynes

Any links to tunes? I remember you mentioning this on MI. Sounds promising.

Not yet, we only have rehearsal recordings at the moment I'm afraid.
Hoping to do a short run of gigs and then get recording before the summer all going well.