New single out there sounds like everything ya want from great craic live

He is absolutely, 100% blatantly riding on JP's coat tails. I remember reading that he lost a load of money on a bad golf course investment which hit him so hard that he had to sell off his JP royalties. I don't think the world needs an Aldi version of Judas Priest but these are the times we live in.

I'm a huge Judas Priest fan but that song sounds completely by the numbers...I hope the rest of the album sounds less formulaic..

I read his book and it fairly much said that he was retired. Also, no mention of bad investments ha ha ha. Hope this is decent anyway

Sounds decent enough, better than a lot of shite around these days. Always liked ripper priest albums too

Quote from: Blitzer666 on May 12, 2021, 05:42:08 PM
Always liked ripper priest albums too
Jugulator is class.
Demolition is only OK.

They'll do well if they stick to playing material from the Binks era that the 'real' Priest don't play. Ripper is capable for it anyways.

Derivative shite designed to ride coattails as much as fans with cash.

I'm not at the "I want those 5 minutes of my life back" level with it, but I doubt I'll ever listen again. Have never been a fan of Ripper though, and the song is just the same thing we've all heard a thousand times.

Calling the band 'Priest' is a little cheeky, it should be something else, Hellion or something JP related but not 'Priest' FFS. Having said that it sounds good, Owens still has it.

It is toe curling to use the name priest though. Another name would give it a tad more authenticity

Maybe I'm not thinking straight because of a tooth infection going on right now, but....why does it matter what it's called like?
You like the music - listen to it. You don't like the music - don't listen to it. Or no?

Quote from: warhead on May 14, 2021, 10:09:27 PM
Maybe I'm not thinking straight because of a tooth infection going on right now, but....why does it matter what it's called like?
You like the music - listen to it. You don't like the music - don't listen to it. Or no?

#14 May 15, 2021, 12:59:19 AM Last Edit: August 12, 2023, 08:47:24 PM by Necr0rceN
I'm a huge Priest fan but I'm not buying any of these. They should have called it something less obvious.