LOYALIST PARAMILITARY ORGANISATIONS have told British Prime Minister Boris Johnson they are withdrawing support for Northern Ireland's historic peace agreement.

The outlawed groups said they were temporarily withdrawing their backing of the Belfast/Good Friday accord amid mounting concerns about the contentious Northern Ireland Protocol governing Irish Sea trade post-Brexit.

However, they stressed that unionist opposition to the protocol should remain "peaceful and democratic".

The 1998 agreement that loyalist paramilitaries endorsed 23 years ago ended decades of violence and established devolved powersharing at Stormont.

UK ministers are facing a backlash from unionists who fear the post-Brexit protocol threatens Northern Ireland's place in the UK internal market.

The DUP and other unionist parties are pushing for the protocol to be ditched, claiming it has driven an economic wedge between the region and Great Britain which undermines the union.

A letter sent to Johnson by an umbrella body representing the paramilitaries said their stance in respect of the Belfast Agreement would continue until the protocol was amended to ensure "unfettered access for goods, services, and citizens throughout the United Kingdom".

Reads as; "It's gettin too hard to get are shipments of drugs in, so it is!"  :laugh:

Interesting times ahead up here. Let's see how Boris and the lads quell this one.
It's also interesting that Mr Foster and Co met up with them last week and now they're coming out with this shite. Fun times ahoy....

I knew all along that this NI/Brexit thing wasn't going to end well. A pretty fucked situation at the minute anyway, which will most likely end in a hard border on this island.

The timing isn't a surprise. Scotland's move toward independance and the North's dissatisfaction with the Brexit referendum results are leading to the end of the U.K., with both leaning toward leaving. Instability in the North is the best way to reassert control, and what better excuse than the import/export control shambles?

If Scotland do go for referendum again and end up leaving the Union there's not a hope in hell England is going to continue breastfeeding both Wales and north Ireland. One of them will have to go, and you know which one it'll be.

Quote from: astfgyl on March 04, 2021, 04:51:32 PM
I knew all along that this NI/Brexit thing wasn't going to end well. A pretty fucked situation at the minute anyway, which will most likely end in a hard border on this island.
Ugh, please no. It was a shitshow the last time. We definitely don't want to go there again!
I personally cross the border 4 times a day going to work: Monaghan/Armagh & Armagh/Louth.
That'll be some detour if I have to travel to work and stay on the southern side just to get to and from work. A nightmare for anyone who has to cross the border, especially those nice safe northern drivers who work on the Dublin building sites.

Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on March 04, 2021, 05:45:05 PM
especially those nice safe northern drivers who work on the Dublin building sites.

Those guys are wasted on building sites, with their ability to drive three wide down a normal road at over 100mph, they're better off racing at Talladega.

Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on March 04, 2021, 05:45:05 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on March 04, 2021, 04:51:32 PM
I knew all along that this NI/Brexit thing wasn't going to end well. A pretty fucked situation at the minute anyway, which will most likely end in a hard border on this island.
Ugh, please no. It was a shitshow the last time. We definitely don't want to go there again!
I personally cross the border 4 times a day going to work: Monaghan/Armagh & Armagh/Louth.
That'll be some detour if I have to travel to work and stay on the southern side just to get to and from work. A nightmare for anyone who has to cross the border, especially those nice safe northern drivers who work on the Dublin building sites.

Yeah, pretty shit when there is a perfectly good Good Friday agreement as it is. Maybe some sort of fast pass or similar that could be applied for. A QR code on the bonnet of your car that could be scanned at every crossing and also contained all of your health details could be a winner. Of course there is always the option for NI to stay in the EU by reuniting Ireland but something tells me that the unionists wouldn't be mad about the idea

Not a peep out of the Irish Government either but sure why would they. Spineless cowards.

I wouldn't normally be one for criticizing the Irish Government. but they seem to have been hiding behind the EU a lot when it comes to brexit

EU taking 'very belligerent approach' to issues caused by NI Protocol, Arlene Foster says.

This is very rich coming from her. She is the cuntiest of cunts.

Is that Scottish referendum do over really a thing? Thought it was just herself having a rave.

Westminster are saying no, but the SNP intend to go ahead with it after the election in May, assuming they're in power there. Hence the pressure on Sturgeon to resign now over the Salmond business.

I hate these referendum do overs. That type of referendum should be a once in a lifetime affair. It's so very EU. Keep voting until we get the answer we want.

Quote from: hellfire on March 05, 2021, 02:45:51 PM
I hate these referendum do overs. That type of referendum should be a once in a lifetime affair. It's so very EU. Keep voting until we get the answer we want.

While I agree that another vote generally would be stupid seeing as they only voted a few years ago I can see their point. Scotland voted against Brexit but it was forced on them so the dynamic has changed a bit.

Exactly. In the sovereign terms the Leave crowd drew the Brexit debate in, the entity that Scotland voted to remain a part of no longer exists.