These guys are interesting. They are obviously trolling but the music is good. I assume oxymoron homophobic comment above is in relation to this statement on Abuse's Bandcamp. "A fist in the face of the nowadays faggot drenched so called Black Metal scene" 🙄

"bael" now equals "ballz"
Middle fingers are now cute dogs

Substitutions will continue until behaviour improves.

 :laugh: Interesting battle of wills!
Off to the Shit Pit with them  :abbath:

wow, alo
Quote from: Hambeast on September 29, 2023, 10:50:02 PM"bael" now equals "ballz"
Middle fingers are now cute dogs

Substitutions will continue until behaviour improves.
restricting ovr method of text, along editing ovr posts with yovr horseshit & being a complete & vtter power tripping prick plvs not allowing vs to re-edit ovt yovr pathetic bvllshit that yov placed in ovr original posts just showz wat a really sad kvnt yov are. It iz an abvsive vse ov yovr sad little postion ov internet nerd forvm mod 'power' *vomitz* yov fvcking pion. yov have no baelz at all. suck yovr own (non-exizent) baelz for yovr personal pathetic egotistic gratification or actually debate like a real 'hambeast' - uggghhh. Fvck ov vnd die yov nerdy little kvnt. Plus wat is wit vr weird obsession wit dog penis & womens nails? Maybe question that bevore acting ovt like a complete vnd vtter numpty. Ave azerate \m/\m/\m/ fvck ov vnd die \m/\m/\m/

Quote from: Snare on September 30, 2023, 11:52:06 AM:laugh: Interesting battle of wills!
Off to the Shit Pit with them  :abbath:
eat shit, piss blood & drown in yovr own vomit kvnt. ave azerate \m/\m/\m/ fvck ov vnd die \m/\m/\m/

Quote from: CyanidedmDeathCultRecords on September 29, 2023, 08:27:42 PMThese guys are interesting. They are obviously trolling but the music is good. I assume oxymoron homophobic comment above is in relation to this statement on Abuse's Bandcamp. "A fist in the face of the nowadays faggot drenched so called Black Metal scene" 🙄
Yes. Fvck ov homovovik fagetz vnd leave the havl. ave azerate \m/\m/\m/

oh wow. yovr so smrt wat is this '\m/' meant to now yov misogynistic kvnt?

fvck ov vnd die ham.kvnt ave b.a.e.l
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 .././.../..../..../.|_......_| .\....\....\...\.\
(.(....(....(..../.)..)..(..(. \....)....)....).)
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