Quote from: Count Magnus on June 28, 2024, 09:38:42 AMWhat the fuck is going on with the cover though? It looks like a woman searching for nits in Chewbacca's head.
Yep, pretty much. The Princess picking Lice from the Troll -Theodor Kittelsen (1900).

This is a beaut so far as im just playing through now. first track was wild. they're talented buachalli.

Nice one. This is great so far. They're a band in constant motion and always delivering.

Sounds class, as always.

The art is great - something different for sure, but better than your typical bollox. Reminds me of Blood in our Wells.

Didn't realise it's a Kittelsen piece. I was looking at the artwork on Spotify and my eyesight isn't great  ;D

Anyways the music is class. They're one of the few modern black metal bands worth listening to. I'll definitely be picking this up.

Man this new album is good. It's a total riff-fest. The new drummer blends in seamlessly as well. I was slightly worried they'd bring in a technician who would overwhelm the songs with fancy drumming,  but really, his playing is understated and doesn't alter the vibe in any way. Magical album.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on October 10, 2024, 09:22:57 PMMan this new album is good. It's a total riff-fest. The new drummer blends in seamlessly as well.

Found out yesterday that the drummer is Misotheist's vocalist's dad!
And yeah, class album. Still getting plenty of play here.

I haven't bothered with Misotheist. Any use?

I like them quite a bit anyway. Saw them live twice and they were bloody brilliant.
Give 'em a go shur. What's the absolute worst that could happen?

The absolute worst that could happen as I see it, since you asked, is that they are so fucking terrible that I give up all interest in continuing this existence after one quick listen and go out, find the most poisonous snake in the bush, pick it up and put it's fangs straight up to my warm, irresistible jugular. The real question now is, will you be able to  live with yourself??

I'd probably be wracked with guilt for quite a while, but I'd eventually get over it, with the pangs only needling me on anniversaries.
Eventually I'd stop blaming myself and remember the good times.
Would probably still listen to Misotheist.

Well if you think you'll be ok after my untimely demise, not to mention the tremendous pain and loss my absence will cause to the metal scene (oh, and my family. I almost forgot about them) then you know what, I'll give them a go. I better grab the rosary beads just in case.

I just had a listen to the first half of For the Glory of Your Redeemer by Misotheist. Not bad at all but not really what I'm after at the moment.

What time are ya planning the suicide?

#89 October 11, 2024, 03:32:43 PM Last Edit: October 11, 2024, 03:34:58 PM by Circlepit
I had  I utakt med verden on in the car the last three days. This is one of the best things released in the past few years.
It's just amazing.
Mr Mclove if you decide to wander into the void will your shirts be on eBay?
Not shirts to celebrate your demise, just the shirts from your collection.