Quote from: Caomhaoin on August 12, 2020, 11:50:48 PM
Wow! So woke!

I assume you're speaking to me. I'm as far from woke as can be. I can form my own opinions quite well.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on August 12, 2020, 11:36:02 PM
Hi! How many times has this Neanderthal supporter given you a laugh ya Limerick langer!

I was more referring to the southern states but Kilkenny..... :laugh:

Quote from: Ollkiller on August 12, 2020, 11:42:38 PM


Biden and Harris first press conference together. You have to skip in a bit on before it starts. No Sleepy Joe here.

Maybe not, but his bit about the little black and brown girls was not only cringe, but almost impossible not to perceive - within the political arena - as a calculated and cynical flourish. It's the "nice" political equivalent of the villain explaining his entire strategy even though it was perfectly obvious from the plot!

The short list for VP was made up entirely of non-Caucasian women too. The opposite of a meritocracy.

On the other hand - had the VP list consisted of only white males -, no one would have described the situation as "the opposite of a meritocracy", which is the point they were not at all subtly trying to make. Why should a short list of coloured women be any less meritorious, per se, than a short list of white men? Sure look at Mike Pence, he was chosen only to secure the key evangelical vote of people put off by just about the least christ-like presidential candidate you could imagine; he certainly didn't "deserve" it.

#996 August 13, 2020, 03:23:01 PM Last Edit: August 13, 2020, 03:24:48 PM by Caomhaoin
Ah come off it lad, white males were absolutely excluded, that affirmative action you enjoy. Patronising if you as me.

Just another confusing facet to the left in 2020, the trundling juggernaut with bizarre alliances between feminism and Islam, lads unironically waving Soviet flags combined with the homosexual one. Make your head spin!

I always considered communist revolutionaries to be tough, rough cigar chewers, not soyboys who tell you their pronouns whilst introducing themselves.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on August 13, 2020, 03:23:01 PM
Ah come off it lad, white males were absolutely excluded

Obviously, that's what I said, if you read me again.

I know, but I lust after you just acknowledge it without trying to rationalise it. Give daddy some sugar, come on.

Politics is politics. As I said, Mike Pence didn't get in on merit any more than Harris.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on August 13, 2020, 03:52:50 PM
Politics is politics. As I said, Mike Pence didn't get in on merit any more than Harris.

One is a far clearer example of a lack of meritocracy than the other, it's not even close to being debatable.

That's a wholly biased perspective, ignoring both how important the bible belt vote is and how prudish that community are (that pussy grab comment, and similar, could have lost him the election without Pence on board to white wash the campaign and reassure that a vote for Trump was a vote for God's will via Trump rather than a vote for Trump the man). One of the two examples is merely easier to identify on the surface, but again; isn't that the whole not so subtle point?

Speculation, pure and simple. I'm not denying that Pence may have helped Trump in the way you have stated, but I haven't seen any data. Only slogans. Why he chose him may seem a no-brainer for you, but Trump is entitled to choose whatever running mate he sees fit. No group was excluded from the field.

It's another thing entirely to make a big song and dance about how progressive Biden is by loudly snd publicly announcing that the field for selection would only be open to 'women of colour'. Cringe!

The whole lot of it is very transparent and I'm amazed sitting back watching the mass manipulation tactics and also amazed that the target audience seem to be oblivious to the fact that both their own chosen side and the opposition are playing them all like fiddles. The fucking state of how obvious it all is, like Biden with Harris or Trump with Pence. Everybody must be subconsciously resigned to the fact that nothing will ever really change and it matters not a fuck who wins what election, so it boils down to a simple popularity contest. Then the contest isn't even played out by being the most popular, it's more a case of what can we say to make the other fella less popular so then the actual debates are boiled down some sort of conflating something the opponent said years ago with whatever policies they are setting out now, and pure confabulation from both sides when challenged about anything and no one seems to care beyond picking the one they dislike less and go with it. Choose your Left or Right and that's essentially it. Madness really.

You're all right in your own ways in the above breakdowns. Harris and Pence chosen for specific reasons. It's politics and it's always been and always has been that way and it's why I scratch my head when people think these lot give two fucks about BLM or whatever the next load of hysterical shite that comes along will be.

The hope with 'Trump' was that he would 'drain the swamp'. People were sick to death of the 'back scratching' that had been going on beforehand to the detriment of the entire country. He was a 'hail mary pass', a shot in the dark, to see if things could change because the status quo was tearing the heart out of working class and middle class America. Many who voted for him believe he hasn't done that and Covid put a stop to the rest of it. And the issues still remain and are only getting worse. The rioting is only the tip of the iceberg. I'm not sure if either winning is going to be good in the long run, though, despite the entire media being against him, and whatever you think about him personally, I do believe Trump(intentionally or not) has shone a light on a whole lot of issues that were being plastered over for decades. China, The Border, trade, all massive massive issues that have been swept under the carpet to avoid offence and nothing done about them, allowed to wallow and fester.