Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 10, 2020, 12:28:25 PM
And the reaction could have been 'we disavow this persons comment, we're apolitical and we don't approve of racism in any way'

They decided the reaction they gave would lead to more sales. For a conservative, yer wan should have understood that is what they would do.

You think Marx was pro-slavery? That's a good one. Link me to an article where someone tries to assert that please, it will be a good excuse to revisit some of his lesser known texts on the Civil War, etc. And don't worry, your pals on the right do a wonderful job of endlessly defacing his tombstone in London, so if they get riled up too much by all of this they may take care of toppling the bust from it themselves. I won't get upset by that in the slightest, since his writings are the real monument  ;)

Quote from: Emphyrio on June 10, 2020, 12:26:53 PM
Quote from: mugz on June 10, 2020, 12:14:29 PM
Quote from: Emphyrio on June 10, 2020, 10:52:27 AM
Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on June 10, 2020, 10:39:22 AM
Quote from: Emphyrio on June 10, 2020, 10:28:56 AM
I dunno which thread this belongs but People Before Profit want to have the monument to Christopher Columbus in Galway removed. It ties into the statue being fucked in the river in England. I'm conflicted, personally. Sure, he conducted himself fairly terribly in the New World but he made a huge contribution to the Age of Discovery. Curious to hear what ye think.

Anything you think the Daily Mail could potentially lose their shit over belongs in this thread  :abbath:

Aye, this thread has grown ridiculous legs.

u ok hun

I am luv. Penneys tomorrow?

rotfpml  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

#603 June 10, 2020, 12:48:05 PM Last Edit: June 10, 2020, 01:00:18 PM by Caomhaoin
Here you go, there are many others. He also used the word 'n*****' on many occasions but that's ok because he was a man of his time. The left offers no such consideration for its enemies.


I've read the comments by the way so don't regurgitate, mon copain pierresgrises ;)

Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 10, 2020, 12:48:05 PM
Here you go, there are many others. He also used the word 'n*****' on many occasions but that's ok because he was a man of his time. The left offers no such consideration for its enemies.


I thought you might have had something more interesting for me. Conveniently, that is explained in the very comments in the link you sent me.

Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 10, 2020, 12:48:05 PM
Here you go, there are many others. He also used the word 'n*****' on many occasions but that's ok because he was a man of his time. The left offers no such consideration for its enemies.


I've read the comments by the way so don't regurgitate, mon copain pierresgrises ;)

we're a long way past all that now, it all reads very 200 years ago.

Lads ye are namedropping all of these thinkers all of the time, and while it displays your knowledge of the paragons of each sides ideologies, it does fuck all to further your arguments either way. These ideologues simply spout their shit on youtube or twitter and can cherry pick the things they want to respond to, to reinforce the things they are already saying. It isn't as if they are going to have any sort of meaningful discussion with any of us. Like I say something here, it can be argued for or against and perhaps even with the possibility of changing my mind about something. Fuck what these lads think, what do we all think ourselves? Can we look at anything without the blinkers of ideology and try to see it for what it is in practical terms?

The meat of the peacock is not in its' tail, to put it another way.

No, because Karl Marx said Mexicans were lazy, hated Jews and Blacks and Chris likes Marx therefore my ideology is the winner.

Quote from: astfgyl on June 10, 2020, 01:04:39 PM
Lads ye are namedropping all of these thinkers all of the time, and while it displays your knowledge of the paragons of each sides ideologies, it does fuck all to further your arguments either way. These ideologues simply spout their shit on youtube or twitter and can cherry pick the things they want to respond to, to reinforce the things they are already saying. It isn't as if they are going to have any sort of meaningful discussion with any of us. Like I say something here, it can be argued for or against and perhaps even with the possibility of changing my mind about something. Fuck what these lads think, what do we all think ourselves? Can we look at anything without the blinkers of ideology and try to see it for what it is in practical terms?

The meat of the peacock is not in its' tail, to put it another way.

in fairness it's a microcosm of social history how stuff that would have been way overboard and ridiculed in years past is now considered standard forum-fodder; constant internet access for late gen-x onwards has suddenly increased the word/idea/reference density of the internet. it's funny how the u ok hun crowd and anyone over 55 have fucked off completely to facebook, and the direction of the rest of the internet is re-aligning itself, what it should have been anyway.

wonder if pandemic has enabled this in some way

I wonder what would have become of George Floyd's death without the internet. Say there were eyewitnesses but no camera, would the cop have ended up charged with murder?

And now, looking at how it is turning out, would things be better if we'd all never heard about it outside of Minneapolis? Like it gets in their local paper and they deal with it on a local level and we never know any more of it any more than we all know about the latest incident between police and some minority in Chattanooga or Wichita? I think there is a strong case that it would be better if we all didn't know.

Quote from: astfgyl on June 10, 2020, 01:28:09 PM
I wonder what would have become of George Floyd's death without the internet. Say there were eyewitnesses but no camera, would the cop have ended up charged with murder?

And now, looking at how it is turning out, would things be better if we'd all never heard about it outside of Minneapolis? Like it gets in their local paper and they deal with it on a local level and we never know any more of it any more than we all know about the latest incident between police and some minority in Chattanooga or Wichita? I think there is a strong case that it would be better if we all didn't know.

that would be the rationale for giving 2 narratives for every media conjuration; eventually believers and unbelievers will beg alike to be given a superficial reality to work in. they lie because they know most of us couldn't handle how things are.

#611 June 10, 2020, 01:46:20 PM Last Edit: June 10, 2020, 01:54:45 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Quote from: Caomhaoin on June 10, 2020, 01:08:05 PM
No, because Karl Marx said Mexicans were lazy, hated Jews and Blacks and Chris likes Marx therefore my ideology is the winner.

I don't know of the Mexican references, but "On the Jewish Question" is recommended albeit challenging reading (as is Sartre's Reflections on the Jewish Question, situated slap bang in the context of French occupation...apologies for the extra name-drop astfglyfdmlkf). Since these guys were absolutely soaked in Hegel's dialectical philosophy (shit, there I go again) during their education, taking only the surface value is literally like thinking Animal Farm is just a kind of dark children's book about some animals who take over a farm. That's not to say Marx didn't hold prejudices, I'd be more surprised if he didn't, but folk who scrape the surface and present just that (i.e. with no deeper contextualisation at all) as proof of this, that, or the other, well, they fall into one of two camps: either not very well-informed on the norms of 19th century German philosophy, or very disingenuous. Which make nice analogues for the two camps into which fall folk who say systemic racism doesn't exist: those who don't know how to look for it, and those who know it's there but benefit off saying it isn't.

Yeah but why don't you just call Marx and Engels for what they were (granted, among other things), racists?

Sticks in the craw, doesn't it?


No need to apologise, blak shperder. I'm a big fan of both Saritery and Marexs. I must look into Heegeel though I know fuck all about her or any of the other great swiss philosophiserents.

What a beautiful Train.

Quote from: astfgyl on June 10, 2020, 02:14:40 PM
No need to apologise, blak shperder. I'm a big fan of both Saritery and Marexs. I must look into Heegeel though I know fuck all about her or any of the other great swiss philosophiserents.

What a beautiful Train.

u ok hun x