US President Donald Trump plans to sign an executive order social media on Thursday, with a draft of the measure calling for a review of a key law that gives immunity to Twitter, Facebook, Google and other sites from lawsuits over third party, user-generated content.

This basically leaves them open to litigation in the same way that a media outlet is. I'm not interested in his motivations for doing it, I am pleased that someone did. Their censorship practices will now come under scrutiny like never before. 

"A small handful of powerful social media monopolies control the vast portion of all private and public communications in the United States."

The monopoly thing is also interesting. Three of four companies should not be in a position to influence elections, have a monopoly on a certain communication type and decide what people can and cannot see.

Well I'm interested in his motivations. Another hissy fit from the cloven hoofed manchild. And the loot and shoot comment. Fuck me.

As regards your argument about social media and influencing elections. If a person can't get find out about things without Facebook or Twitter then they're a fucking idiot. And if it wasn't Facebook it's be fox news or CNN. I find out by researching the candidates. But I realise it's futile as too many gombeens vote in what we have today all over the world.

Btw which censorship practices are you on about?

Quote from: Ollkiller on May 29, 2020, 11:10:52 PM

Btw which censorship practices are you on about?

He is most likely talking about how Facebook, Twitter etc. are all run by people with a far left agenda and many comments that go against these agendas are heavily censored and also result in users getting banned in some cases for just stating simple facts that go against an ideology. 

Before anyone cries that this a 'conspiracy theory' Joe Rogan who is a leftie himself did 2 entire podcasts with Jack Dorsey on the topic. During the first podcast Jack showed up on his own and Joe didn't really grill him which he ended up getting flack for. So, Joe asked Jack back in for a second podcast and Jack of course showed up with his lawyer and Joe also invited an independent journalist who put questions to Jack about the censorship.

Joe Rogan is moving his podcast to Spotify after some of his videos were demonitized.  He got a pretty sweet deal from Spotify too, but this is what started him platform shopping.

"What Twitter is and what YouTube is are way bigger than a social media company. There is a real good argument that they should be like public utilities," Rogan said. "What has made society better today than it was hundreds of years ago is not just our prosperity. It's the evolution of ideas. Anything that wants to limit discussion is dangerous to the evolution of ideas."

Saying that there is only two genders and biological sex mostly dictates them is classed as "hate speech"

Shadow banning or as Twitter put it  " just make it harder (but not impossible!) to find the content from people that they think are too troll-like, abusive or have been muted or blocked by many others. " This has happened to a number of British conservatives such as Douglas Murray and Maajid Nawaz.

Three companies should not have control on public discourse worldwide.  They have been hiding behind the 1996 law that means they are not considered content publishers. By making a number of editorial decisions they are basically acting as a media outlet. They should then be subjected to the same liabilities as other media outlets. The question of monopoly was also addressed in the other nights speech. Facebook and Google have reached such a mass that they can just buy any new idea that comes out. Snapchat, Instagram, WhatsApp and tons of other smaller companies were all bought up the minute they started doing well.

Mark Zuckerberg has a far left agenda? A guy who just signed a $100 million contract with a multinational corporation is a leftie? Yup, the political thermometers are well and truly fucked.

#5 May 30, 2020, 01:40:52 AM Last Edit: May 30, 2020, 01:46:29 AM by hellfire
Yes Kent, yes he does. Some examples:

May 6th 2020:
"Facebook has been accused of showing political bias after it appointed former Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger to its powerful new "supreme court"."
The Supreme Court as you guessed decides what people can and cannot say.
- Yahoo news

August 2018:
"More than a hundred Facebook employees have joined an internal group criticising the social network for having a "political monoculture", as the company comes under fire from US conservatives and President Donald Trump who claim it has a leftwing bias. "
- Irish Times

"On day one of Facebook's new hire orientation in Menlo Park, everyone hears from our chief diversity officer about the importance of diversity and how to have respectful conversations with people who have different viewpoints."
- Financial Times

April 2016:
"If the world starts to turn inward, then our community will just have to work even harder to bring people together," he said. "That's why I think the work we are all doing is so important. We can actually give more people a voice. Instead of building walls, we can help people build bridges. Instead of dividing people, we can help bring people together."
Directly talking about Trumps proposed Mexican wall.
-F8 Developers Conference

Migrant crisis 2015:
Speaking in Berlin, Facebook boss calls Germany's handling of European refugee crisis 'inspiring' and says site must do more to tackle anti-migrant hate speech.
- The Guardian

These are to say nothing of all the algorithms they have used to tow the left wing line. Silicon Valley is and always was left leaning.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on May 30, 2020, 01:09:44 AM
Mark Zuckerberg has a far left agenda? A guy who just signed a $100 million contract with a multinational corporation is a leftie? Yup, the political thermometers are well and truly fucked.

A* comment

Anyone further economically left of Tony Blair must chairman Mao then

The only agenda of fb and Twitter is making as much money as they possibly can. If they thought people using letters was affecting their ad and sponsor revenue they would censor the alphabet

Please see above. Also,  please wait until Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act is altered or redacted. A boat load of bias law suits against big tech have failed because of this act/section.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on May 30, 2020, 01:09:44 AM
Mark Zuckerberg has a far left agenda? A guy who just signed a $100 million contract with a multinational corporation is a leftie? Yup, the political thermometers are well and truly fucked.

If you think those lads are far left then you have no fucking idea what far left is and perhaps need to have a good think about who told you they were.

If you wanted to prove bias, all you need to do is find left (genuine left, not hysterical-nonsense pretend left as has just been accused) leaning statements making equally false and aggressive posts which have not been removed, or have been allowed to exist unmolested. That's very easy if what is being accused is accurate, no? It shouldn't take long. Off you go.

Those examples are a real stretch. Having a diversity officer, an accusation from Trump that they've a leftwing, being against his ridiculous idea for a wall, saying they want to do more against hate speech?

#11 May 30, 2020, 09:05:25 AM Last Edit: May 30, 2020, 09:21:02 AM by Black Shepherd Carnage
You couldn't hope for a more liberal corporation than Facebook, and there is nothing "far left" about their brand of Ayn Rand, Ron Paul, libertarian style liberalism. 

If Zuckerberg were "far left", none of his employees would complain about anything because they'd all be part owners in the company, making premiums on all profit, and no government would criticize them because they'd be actively campaigning to have themselves and all other corporations pay more tax, rather than doing everything in their power to avoid paying any.

As I said, thermometers well and truly fucked.

Let's just remind ourselves what happens when two "far left" buddies come face to face:

Making the leap from those examples to 'the owners of Facebook and Twitter have a far left agenda' is insane. When you're as far right wing as Trumps presidency and supporters *everything* looks like the far left. As Juggz mentioned already, you should probably have a good think about the people who are trying to convince you that the commies are out to get you.

Trump is not far right, far from it.

A conservative populist, yes, but as we are inculcated yo think any conservative is far right these days, I don't entirely blame you for using the term.

He's pretty far right; he's a conservative, a populist, and a corporatist. Text book definition, that puts him pretty far right.