Really working hard for the most pressing interests of the average American. Embiggening the brain spoons to own the libs.

Great. Tons much plastic waste for no reason whatsoever. Such a clem of a lad.

Considering he loves sexually abusing women and wants to fuck his daughter, this one is interesting.

If he though all space stuff was like the end of Moonraker he would have no issues

That plastic straw bullshit (please please god do something like make it so you can have a plastic straw if you show digital ID and watch the "freedom" crowd walk right into that one!) and the fact that many are celebrating the idea just shows how reactionary his re-election actually was. In general I've become pretty bored with the whole thing (took a while, i know!) but I watched a video last night of a democrat senator pointing out some highlights from musks spending audit on USAID and it's fuckin eye watering the level of corruption and pocket lining involved.

Could post the video here if anyone likes but don't want to get into the whole one v the other side thing except to say I would fucking love to see something similar done here with an actual real proper audit of what the fuck the government has been doing with our money and who is reaping the benefits of that.

Twas mad shit, but then again I did try to promise myself to look at the silliness of Irish politics once that election was done and there really could be a damning light shined on an awful lot of it.

Are you sure you're not thinking of Senator John Kennedy, a Republican rather than a Democrat? If there is a Democrat senator who did so too, please do share as that'd be more interesting.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on February 10, 2025, 02:52:50 PMAre you sure you're not thinking of Senator John Kennedy, a Republican rather than a Democrat? If there is a Democrat senator who did so too, please do share as that'd be more interesting.

I'll have a look again I think I bookmarked it. If it is a republican well then I was just wrong about that part. Fuck it sure let's find out...

Well is he Democrat or republican? Is that the lad you had in mind?

I honestly haven't a clue who he is but was under the impression he was Democrat when I was watching it last night.

Look, if I'm wrong I'm wrong I'll just take the inevitable L that comes with being partisan sooner or later.

Anyway I'd love to see Ireland being out through similar scrutiny whether I'm right or wrong about his allegiances.

Yah, that's Republican Senator John Kennedy. I'm sure there was waste at USAID, as there is pretty much everywhere, but it seemed pretty clear to me that yer man had just chosen stuff that sounds worse than it actually is to certain ears. At one point he simply said that money had gone to "organizations in Gaza" on the clear assumption that everyone whose attention he wanted to get would automatically think Gazans don't deserve aid. Also not everything he claims Musk uncovered, in trying to justify Musk's actions, was actually uncovered by 'DOGE' at all, like the $10 million that ended up in Al Nusra's pockets, which has been known about for ages and someone was already charged for last November:

Oh I only saw that one clip and dunno why I thought it was a democrat then. My mistake. Of course any republican would say what he's saying and I only thought it carried any weight because I thought it was coming from the other side.

Ah like I said, governments everywhere tax us and steal the profit but I just got that one wrong, obviously

Understandable: he does that whole superficial southern gentleman shit of being effusively polite, calling the Democrats his "colleagues" and "friends", etc. But his game is pretty limpid: justify putting a snake in the hen house by listing the few bad, or perhaps just unstandardly shaped, eggs the snake, who's still in the hen house, found.

Aye that's fair. As I says, we have enough shit of our own here it just doesn't seem to be as headline worthy for the most part but surely as bad as anything they'd find over there. I think they've just found their own bike shed and that will soon die down too, tbh, just like ours did

This is the ad Kanye placed during superbowl this year:

In it, he just tells people to go to his website,

Which currently has one single item of content: a white t-shirt with a black swastika on it for sale. Or maybe it's a black "my heart goes out to you" symbol.

While there's a lot of competition, I think he is the biggest gobshite walking the planet currently.

He definitely fuckin isn't. He's mental and not actually murdering people.

This whole Superbowl thingy is become more Eurovision like every year, what a farce.