Interesting site. You have recent Nobel prize winners as signatories on letters, Robert Kennedy Jr amongst many others.  All in the drop down menu as you say.

Quote from: Ducky on September 18, 2020, 04:30:10 PM
Do you get a vanilla McFlurry to go with that vanilla sex life?

Imagine thinking not being a degenerate is a bad thing.

That letter is a great read.

This seemingly says it's over now in Sweden, as they have developed herd immunity, while previously lauded countries like New Zealand still have a long road ahead:

Lund University (I think) have done a study with blood test analysis from 160 people that can predict how ill a person will be if they get covid. If they can turn this into a useable test it will be a game changer for lockdown and can be used to prioritise vaccination.

Sweden are offering to help other EU countries with severely ill Covid-19 patients. The ECMO (Extracorpeal membrane oxgenation) center in Stockholm can take up to 30 patients and has it's own jet to move patients.
ECMO machines oxygenate the blood outside the body and allow the lungs to heal and recover.

Speaking of Universities, I'm starting first year of a music degree course today. We're only allowed to enter the campus for our class, and we have to vacate it immediately after. We're only timetabled to be in for 1 day, every 3 weeks. We're not allowed to use the uni's allocated rehersal rooms to jam together, not even for solo practice, due to Department of Health guidelines. All the weekly Big Band and Jazz Ensembles are cancelled until further notice. But the same guidelines say that contact sports such as Football, Hurling, Karate, Rugby and everyfucking thing else is grand. The uni has sent out an email saying that any student caught to be in breach of covid regulations will be immediately suspended.

Some fucking learning environment.

Quote from: Bigmac on September 21, 2020, 09:10:43 AM
Quote from: Ducky on September 18, 2020, 04:30:10 PM
Do you get a vanilla McFlurry to go with that vanilla sex life?

Imagine thinking not being a degenerate is a bad thing.

That letter is a great read.

This seemingly says it's over now in Sweden, as they have developed herd immunity, while previously lauded countries like New Zealand still have a long road ahead:

So that's a hard "yep" then, thanks.

Just on the news there,88 cases in hospital,16 of those in ICU.Thats 6 months into a pandemic ,out of population of 5 million.

Quote from: Giggles on September 21, 2020, 11:56:15 AM
But the same guidelines say that contact sports such as Football, Hurling, Karate, Rugby and everyfucking thing else is grand.

Is that Dublin or elsewhere? I was told my Muay Thai gym had to close,  but it's all a bit confusing.

The lead graph used in the Whitty/Vallance communication in the UK this morning was an exponential curve, leading up to 50,000 daily cases around mid-October, literally entitled (including the italics!): "If doubling occurred every seven days what would it look like?"


If I had to design some kind of black-ops communiquée designed to feed the "anti-all measures", "they're after our freedoms" movement, I couldn't have done better.

It's that sort of modelling that got us where we are now. Extremely unhelpful projections and proven now to be so far off the mark it's beyond embarrassing. Also 50,000 cases does not equate to 50,000 hospitalisations, as what exactly is a case has been skewed out of all proportion. And when this doesn't come true (which it won't) there will be some other bullshit pulled out of someone's arse to further the narrative as needed. And for what?

We are being bombarded day in day out with news bulletins and radio ads and signs everywhere and little arrows to follow around the shops and every aspect of our lives affected and yet where are all the sick people? What we actually have is a pandemic of healthy people, who may or may not even be what one might call infected.

When the news will only tell one side of a story, and will not stray from the government's story it is not news it is propaganda. Look at the Late Late Show for example. I had the misfortune of witnessing it last Friday and I know why almost everyone is still buying into this. The vast majority of people just refuse to believe that the likes of RTE and the national radio broadcasters might not be telling them all there is to know and can't contemplate the idea that the news outlets are simply slaves to their government paymasters at the end of the day. Even the small broadcasters are earning their crust running government sponsored ads with a nice voice telling us not to forget for one minute that we need to be afraid. And speaking of one sided, where is the actual opposition to the government this minute? Labour? PBP? Sinn Fein? They are all singing from the same hymn sheet, every single one of them. Surely to someone other than me that has to smell a bit rotten.

And most unfortunately of all, it isn't even a case of anyone being after our freedoms but they are sure taking them away all the same. Sure look at the 5 point plan - "Imprison yourselves or we will imprison you". And most people will thank them for keeping them safe all the same - "Well we didn't behave so it's only fair we are punished for our own good". It has to be some sort of Stockholm syndrome type of thing. I keep saying that the road to hell is paved with good intentions and we are going farther and farther down that road.

Yet at the same time, I feel that more and more people are starting to feel as I do, having been supportive of it all in the beginning when the reality hadn't become apparent. I genuinely feel bad for all the people I see going around terrorized by the invisible enemy every day when the only way any of this is affecting them is indirectly through the mitigation measures. It isn't the fault of the government that they were sucked in, but it is their fault when they persist with the scaremongering in the face of the mounting evidence against what they are doing.

This Professor Gupta seems to have a very level headed approach to the whole thing. From what I can tell she doesn't have an agenda to follow though god forbid if they find out she voted Boris for lord mayor or something similar she won't be invvited back.

#1630 September 21, 2020, 04:27:15 PM Last Edit: September 21, 2020, 04:38:23 PM by astfgyl
Quote from: Pedrito on September 21, 2020, 04:13:02 PM
This Professor Gupta seems to have a very level headed approach to the whole thing. From what I can tell she doesn't have an agenda to follow though god forbid if they find out she voted Boris for lord mayor or something similar she won't be invvited back.

Great to see someone getting their voice heard with another angle besides the lockdown strategy. The most sense I have heard Jaz Coleman speak in a long time

Edit: Just came across this:

But we all know history never repeats itself, right?

But...COVID19 behaves nothing like swine flu at the population level. If COVID19 really was a huge hoax, and big pharma really did have as much power as some think (not denying they have power, just that it does have its limits), then they could have done what's happening now with swine flu; in other words, had swine flu led to thousands of people turning up in emergency rooms all over the world, they could have marked down everyone who died "with" it as having died "of" it, to borrow the not-nearly-as-clever-as-they-think distinction the anti-xyzers are so fond of. But that didn't happen. The swine flu panic farted away like an untied balloon, simply because, well, reality didn't oblige big pharma! So, while there are one or two noticeable but fairly trivial similarities between the two, there just isn't anything that we can learn from the swine flu chapter about how to deal with COVID19.

Swine flu wasn't a hoax. You are right in saying it doesn't help us to learn how to deal with it. What we can learn is not to over hype the response and be careful of who is pushing the solutions. I know you think I'm a full-on theorist but it isn't really like that. I just like to push the idea of questioning things. So like when the whole died of it or with it argument is pushed to say that almost nobody died of it I don't run with that either, but I do think it is important to draw the distinction and the news and the daily reports never do that. Their whole game is to spread the panic and keep us all glued to it. The swine flu to me (and I honestly didn't even know it was even supposed to be a pandemic at the time) didn't ever really catch on because the coverage wasn't at such a level of saturation or anywhere near it at the time. All I remember of it was a few things on the walls telling me to wash my hands. This one deserves a bit more than that, but still nowhere near what it has gotten. And yeah the irony is not lost on me that I post the most in this thread. But I am more of a hardcore questioner than a theorist and all the questions around the response and the continuing in-my-face-all-day nature of the current situation are leading me towards thinking that something is just very off with it all at this stage. The video above that, that I replied to is the sort of common sense and 2 sides to the story we should have been exposed to from the beginning and we wouldn't be in this rotten situation.

I see the Crobar in London has closed its door thanks to covid19. As someone said to me it was a shithole, but a good shithole:) after a gig in London

Quote from: Bigmac on September 21, 2020, 01:35:06 PM
Quote from: Giggles on September 21, 2020, 11:56:15 AM
But the same guidelines say that contact sports such as Football, Hurling, Karate, Rugby and everyfucking thing else is grand.

Is that Dublin or elsewhere? I was told my Muay Thai gym had to close,  but it's all a bit confusing.
