I get that white people are evil Satanous creatures that should all be stripped of their possessions. White societies are especially evil. Can anyone here think of a country on the African continent in which they would like to live?

Quote from: hellfire on February 24, 2021, 05:57:17 PM
I get that white people are evil Satanous creatures that should all be stripped of their possessions. White societies are especially evil. Can anyone here think of a country on the African continent in which they would like to live?
Why move to Africa when you've already got it here?

My point being that if white society is so terrible then where are all the better ways of doing things? Asia and the middle east only fare marginally better.

#2044 February 24, 2021, 06:38:52 PM Last Edit: February 24, 2021, 06:45:04 PM by astfgyl
No, can't think of any.

And I did think pretty hard about it just now

I wonder in a way if the imposition of whiteness through colonialism has had much bearing on the fucking awful state of the place in the current era and can that be used as an example of the evil of whiteness rather than being any fault of their own?

Just getting that in there before someone else does...

In all seriousness I just can't understand the mental gymnastics - translated into huge word salads - people use to defend their ideologies in the face of what is pure racism. Why go to so much effort when deep down you know you're wrong?

I think the forum would soon die a death without it to be fair. It's the disagreements and arguments and defence of the indefensible that keeps it going over here in the off topic.

That and woke culture, which is a fucking goldmine

#2047 February 24, 2021, 07:26:05 PM Last Edit: February 24, 2021, 07:27:57 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Quote from: hellfire on February 24, 2021, 05:57:17 PM
I get that white people are evil Satanous creatures that should all be stripped of their possessions. White societies are especially evil. Can anyone here think of a country on the African continent in which they would like to live?

Botswana would be my top pick. High standard of living, amazing terrain. But even if countries like Botswana, Zambia, Malawi, and other absolutely perfectly inhabitable African countries you've presumably never met anyone from didn't exist, your point is vacuous; Africa was absolutely raped to hell by colonial countries, and only a very few of them managed to come out of independence struggles without still being in large part dependent upon, often because still owned to a broad resource based extent by private interests from, their "prior" colonial overlords. Look up some stuff about what is referred to as "la Françafrique" for example, and how all of those countries were more or less obliged to continue to bear the yoke of France through their attachment to the franc and private ownership of huge quantities of their resources.

But, yeah, Botswana, in a heart beat. Highly recommend it for a visit too.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on February 24, 2021, 07:26:05 PM
Quote from: hellfire on February 24, 2021, 05:57:17 PM
I get that white people are evil Satanous creatures that should all be stripped of their possessions. White societies are especially evil. Can anyone here think of a country on the African continent in which they would like to live?

Botswana would be my top pick. High standard of living, amazing terrain. But even if countries like Botswana, Zambia, Malawi, and other absolutely perfectly inhabitable African countries you've presumably never met anyone from didn't exist, your point is vacuous; Africa was absolutely raped to hell by colonial countries, and only a very few of them managed to come out of independence struggles without still being in large part dependent upon, often because still owned to a broad resource based extent by private interests from, their "prior" colonial overlords. Look up some stuff about what is referred to as "la Françafrique" for example, and how all of those countries were more or less obliged to continue to bear the yoke of France through their attachment to the franc and private ownership of huge quantities of their resources.

But, yeah, Botswana, in a heart beat. Highly recommend it for a visit too.

Quote from: astfgyl on February 24, 2021, 06:38:52 PM
No, can't think of any.

And I did think pretty hard about it just now

I wonder in a way if the imposition of whiteness through colonialism has had much bearing on the fucking awful state of the place in the current era and can that be used as an example of the evil of whiteness rather than being any fault of their own?

Just getting that in there before someone else does...

:laugh: don't ever change man

Aren't  Malwi and Zambiai two of the poorest countries in the world? I'd imagine you'd struggle to find someone to hire a professional pontificator there. I used to work with a guy from Malawi and he never shut up about what a hovel it is.
I'll give you Botswana. One country out of 54 doesn't change my point much.

At what point are countries responsible for their own misfortune? 20 years? 30? 100? Not to say that Europeans had any business there in the first place.

Quote from: hellfire on February 24, 2021, 07:44:31 PM
Aren't  Malwi and Zambiai two of the poorest countries in the world? I'd imagine you'd struggle to find someone to hire a professional pontificator there. I used to work with a guy from Malawi and he never shut up about what a hovel it is.
I'll give you Botswana. One country out of 54 doesn't change my point much.

At what point are countries responsible for their own misfortune? 20 years? 30? 100? Not to say that Europeans had any business there in the first place.

I actually meant its neighbour Mozambique. Long day. As I said, the Françafrique countries anyway, are still more or less semi-colonies, economically speaking anyway, so a notion of time before being responsible is, accordingly, semi-moot.

Quote from: hellfire on February 24, 2021, 07:44:31 PM

At what point are countries responsible for their own misfortune? 20 years? 30? 100? Not to say that Europeans had any business there in the first place.

We got independence 100 years ago, and fucked it up royally. So I'd say about 70 years give or take.

Mozambique is another heavily impoverished country.  These Françafrique countries you refer to number no more than 14 and have every right to tell the French to piss off at any time. Even taking your word as gospel (I don't) that leaves 39 countries that are plainly just mismanaged by their own native leaders.

My original point was that in an entire continent there are no better systems then the western one yet. White ideas being exclusively bad is absolute nonsense that doesn't bear out anywhere. These countries have autonomy and can solve their own problems. I find the notion that black people can't even stuff up without the aid of a white person ridiculous.

A shining example of that point is Rwanda. With the mineral wealth of that country the citizens should be living lives of absolute excess. They don't. The minerals (tungsten in particular) get smuggled out. Sold on the black market and the money used for assault rifles.

Quote from: Ollkiller on February 24, 2021, 08:00:41 PM
Quote from: hellfire on February 24, 2021, 07:44:31 PM

At what point are countries responsible for their own misfortune? 20 years? 30? 100? Not to say that Europeans had any business there in the first place.

We got independence 100 years ago, and fucked it up royally. So I'd say about 70 years give or take.

Would have gone for the hundred myself.

#2054 February 24, 2021, 08:25:13 PM Last Edit: February 24, 2021, 08:26:52 PM by Caomhaoin
The Transvaal and Oranje Frei Staat were not economically viable until the rand was discovered and Alfred Milner, Joseph Chamberlain and Cecil Rhodes decided to give the 'boojers' it right up the hoop, and they were run by 'Europeans', who, according to a British soldier writing in 1900, would 'shoot a nigger quicker than a dog'. Not exactly the white man marching on through a Protestant work ethic, even if I do have a soft spot for the Johann Afrikaner.

The various outright colonial adventures (the scramble for Africa) are at least partly responsibly for the disastrous century Africa went through, especially the 'citoyens' and their 'bataillions', no doubt about it.

Still, one can't piss and bleat about the murder and rapine of the Europeans indefinitely.