Wouldn't be a metal board without a Robb Flynn thread...

Worse than I imagined, no wonder the lads all quit. Don't talk between songs, don't point (wtf?)

McClain returning to Sacred Reich makes sense, play metal with a bunch of laid back dudes.



He comes across extremely well there, does Demmel. I'd imagine there's a lot more he's keeping to himself. White denim, man, white fucking denim.

Yeah he seems like a cool enough dude, would love to hear the rest though. Must've been really bad for both him and McClain to ditch the steady paychecks

Yeah, doesn't try to stir the shit but makes it pretty obvious how much of a dick Flynn is. He's a great guitarist so I'd be interested in seeing what he comes up with next

Was actually going to post about these interviews
He comes across as incredibly sound and paints a pretty grim picture of life in that band. Hopefully he gets a decent gig going.

He sounds like a plonker. The stuff on that last album was just incredible it was so appalling. If he had any credibility he'd have jumped out three or four years ago when Flynn started becoming a tyrant.  Spa.

#6 February 15, 2019, 09:04:51 PM Last Edit: February 15, 2019, 09:06:27 PM by Wiseblood
I kind of see why he stuck around. I work for a company I've long since not liked working for but any notion of sticking it to the man and walking out are firmly offset by having 2 kids and good friends in Permanent TSB who want all their money back.  Being in a band at that level is a job no more, no less and dealing with a management side you don't agree with is sadly part of the deal.

And yes the few bits I heard of that last album are muck but then I've thought they have been muck for a long time before that. Through The Ashes Of Empires is the last one I can tolerate.

Not easy finding a similar paying metal gig at 50 alright so integrity etc goes out the fuckin window. Both himself and McClain deserve kudos for quitting, I doubt Machine Head has left them wealthy.

To be honest,  I really don't give a fuck as I haven't been interested in MH for a couple of decades at this point but I think that if I was in a band that started turning into such a cynical,  calculated pop metal abortion,  I'd run out the fucking door so quick I'd probably leave the wife and kids in my dust.  And keep running.  He even distances himself from the last album because he knows it's dog shit! Pathetic.  He should go get a job in Lidl if he wants a paycheck and credibility.

I don't think anyone here gives a fuck about Machine Head.

Still gotta keep up the time honoured tradition of tormenting 'Headcases (keep pushing that one,  Robbo).

Robb's posted on Instagram, surprise surprise the next record will be brodude heavy.

On a serious note if anyone has looked at any of his recent videos you'll notice the guys mental health is deteriorating.

Quote from: Cryptic Stench on February 20, 2019, 09:25:29 PM
Robb's posted on Instagram, surprise surprise the next record will be brodude heavy.

On a serious note if anyone has looked at any of his recent videos you'll notice the guys mental health is deteriorating.

After meeting him twice years back he was so sound so could never fault him there. But all this shite is woeful, only subjected to him now when I come on here or MI at the time.

Regarding his mental health I wouldn't doubt it. He spent a majority of his career trying to fit into the marketplace of what was popular etc and now he's pretty much left to himself with a few guns for hire.
I'd say seeing where his band is, the rest of the guys after fucking off.. a lot of people just laughing at him in general...You wouldn't be well.