September 08, 2023, 10:55:58 AM Last Edit: September 08, 2023, 11:34:27 AM by Eoin McLove
Let's talk about Arcane Sun!

Been spinning the majestic debut  again lately and I love it. It has really stood up over the decades. In fact, it only gets better with age in my opinion. I would love to hear what they might come up with these days, but it's possible I would end up disappointed. I would at least like to see the ill - fated second album finally get a release, but let's see what happens.

I thought Paul was a really good fit in Solstice and his voice still had power and presence. I wonder if he is doing any new music at all these days. I know there was talk of something a few years ago but it never materialised. I think it would be a real waste of great local talent for him not to get back into something again.

Edit. It might be cool if a mod could transplant the relevant half of the old Arcane Sun thread over here ;)

I loved that first Solstice recording with Paul on it. "Death's Crown Is Victory" absolutely brilliant!

"White horse hill" bit of a step back.....

Was lucky enough to se Arcane Sun a few times back in the day......

Are "Arcane Sun" back together or something?

I vaguely remember their demise, didn't Paul move away for ages?
We had our disagreements, I was drain pipes he was flares! but I doubt our dedication and passion was ever in question.

I did buy the reissue of the first album, quite enjoyed and takes me back. Interesting comment on the second album. Get it out there maybe?

Nah, they aren't back together. Just wishful thinking on my part. I really like the second album and I hope Scobes puts it on CD and vinyl one day soon.

No idea what Fearghal Flannery is up to at all but he was a magnificent guitarist with a lot of creativity so the idea of hearing them doing something new twenty five years later is, if nothing else, a pleasant daydream.

Arcane Sun is a great record, been spinning it again due to this thread being resurrected.

Sorry for derailing the original  thread ;)   Their st is one of my favourite albums by any band. It's a unique album.

#6 September 08, 2023, 11:15:41 PM Last Edit: September 08, 2023, 11:21:53 PM by Eoin McLove
Amazing how it goes from incredibly fast, evil black/ death sections to tinkly delicacy to soaring epic doom and then to bombastic, lush Enya-ish dungeon synth without becoming an incoherent mess. It all feels right. I mentioned it in the other thread, but it feels like a big concept album and, as cliche and corny as it is to say, like a musical journey.

Fade is more direct sounding with less bombast and a few ideas that could probably be scrapped like the endless spoken word samples between songs and the samba instrumental at the end or whatever the hell it is. The proper songs are great, though. I think if it does get a release it needs to be mixed properly as it sounds very thin and treble-y.

I'd like to hear that.....

It's streaming on the Irish Metal Archive I think.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on September 09, 2023, 02:09:20 PMIt's streaming on the Irish Metal Archive I think.
And on the Sentinel Records Bandcamp.

Thanks lads I'll check it out

Much appreciated!