I've been listening to their newest album The Curse Of Autumn quite a bit. This is some pretty great dark power metal. Love the vocals and he reminds me a bit of Tim Owens.


Fantastic band..every release very strong

Not my kettle of fish really but that tune is cool. Serious players.

Not bad at all. A bit too repetitive for the length of the song perhaps and it could have taken a twist or two along the way, but pretty decent. The singer reminds me of Rain Irving from WHW a bit.

Their previous album is way more progressive and less chorus orientated than this album.
It's probably a bit darker too.
Those high notes he belts out from time to time are class.

That's good stuff. I see the vocalist is the replacement for Warrel Dane in Sanctuary. There's definitely some Tim Owens in there, but not so much that it makes him unbearable (I can't stand Ripper as a vocalist), but I also hear bits of Jason McMaster. Def gonna check out a couple of full albums off the back of that tune anyway!