Just heard of these lads after reading the old Nifelheim interview on bardo methodology last night (which is quite entertaining itself).
I checked out their album 'Possessed by Hell' which seems to be a collection of rehearsal recordings.
What a fuckin racket! Pure regressive, manic enthusiasm, sounds like it was recorded down the phone.
I absolutely loved it, any fans on here?


Classic band... if you're into them you should check the "Into the Abyss" EP, I think there's plenty of reissues for that one.

Since you got into this through Nifelheim, if you want to know what really influenced them you should check the Russian band KORROZIA METALLA's first album "Orden Satany". Nifelheim covered the opening track "Spid" live before... 

Yep get Into The Abyss down yer lugs.

Crazy to think that a bunch of teens were basically inventing the type of music we are still listening to 35 years later with fuck all reference points at that time.

Not saying Poison did it all of course, but they were historically a very important development.

Cheers lads, I'll check out 'Into the Abyss' & 'Orden Sanaty' over the next day or two!

Lashing into a load of new bands at the minute after a few years of not bothering me arse, a lot releases to get to.

The sons of evil lp is in the same vein, properly unhinged. Barely sound like they knew how to play music at all!
Oraculum do a great Poison cover, one of the songs off Into the Abyss.