Every couple of years I root this out for a spin and I've had it on repeat this morning.  Such a great album.  I don't have a big hard-core punk collection by any stretch but when the mood takes me this kind of stuff is unbeatable and brings me right back to being a teenager.  The songs are catchy as Hell and the lyrics are great- total positivity and self empowerment.  Great music for driving around when the sun is out (between the showers). I thought Thirteen Day Getaway was alright too but it wasn't a patch on this.  Any other takers?

Absolute banger of an album, love it. Though Gorilla Biscuits will always be slightly ahead of it for me.

I've always meant to grab some GB but haven't yet.  Must rectify that.

Another shout for Gorrilla Biscuits, love all the old Revelation Records stuff too. Never followed the later incarnations like Civ, Quicksand or whoever but I may rectify that today.

I remember them from either superrock of headbanger ball. Really catchy. I really like his voice. It was only when I got a gorilla biscuits album years later I realised it was the same fella.

Not my kind of thing, much prefer Gorilla Biscuits.

Finally got round to this the other day, not a patch on  Gorilla Biscuits but decent enough all the same. Maybe if I heard it in the 90s I might be a bit more enthusiastic. I found it a little saccharine or just too poppy in places but theres enough GB/hc style songs that kept my interest. I can hear how they influenced other bands and even the albums aesthetic but how was this received commercially at the time? I think they may have headlined the first Warped Tour before it quickly turned to total shit