Yep I've been bamboozled for years with the amount of stuff coming out, yet tried in vain to keep somewhat up with the current scene, until fairly recently where I've just ended up questioning the whole thing - the ridiculous obscure cds with gurning fools in make up and spikey play armour sitting on my shelf...

I kind of feel like I don't 'get' it anymore. Now the reasons why I enjoy and was attracted to UG black/death metal in the first place are still there and valid, but the focus has become obscured with too long spent searching in the underground wormhole 😂

Definitely been talking a step back recently, going back listening to other genres again, and being very selective with the UG BM I'm listening to.

In terms of doing things low key and 'offline ' as the OP alluded to - I like the White Medal/Legion Blotan approach. Zero fanfare, minimal image/aesthetic, no interviews,photos or pretentious philosophical/existentialist manifestos. You just have raw, lo-fi music and the mystery is left for you to create if that's what you want.

Going back to the old stuff also helps as suggested. I stuck on Metallica Breadfan yesterday and was banging around like I hadn't done in years of underground wanderings

Quote from: Pentagrimes on February 01, 2019, 11:41:07 AM
ugh, right, naming names here as an example: Iron Bonehead springs to mind as the obvious one where there's a handful of great bands but  a lot of it is hugely average and faceless and disappears quickly, largely because he just seems to be churning out releases at a frankly obscene rate.

Absolutely agree. I don't even open the Iron Bonehead new release mails I receive anymore.

I have no more desire to hear every good metal album than I do to sample every good cake ever conceived. I already have more cake than I can eat, so I limit myself to sampling a handful of reliably endorsed confections here and there. Maybe a quarter of those end up in the pile of regular listens. And the best of the stuff in the regular listens pile still hasn't finished giving forth fruit. 'Tis grand really. But everyone should slow down, labels and bands alike. No need, or point, going at the promotion so full on the way some do these days.

#17 February 01, 2019, 02:37:25 PM Last Edit: February 01, 2019, 02:43:23 PM by Pentagrimes
Also if we could just do away with War Metal completely, that'd help thanks. A musical garbage dump if ever there was one.

Actually I'd be with Grim up there about the "lack of fanfare" approach. When I get back into doing death metal it'll be demos only, no fuss, no limitation, no fanfare. As I've said before I'm not a huge black metal fan but the stuff I've really enjoyed most in that style lately (Muszpellheimr, Obskuritatem, Pa Vesh En) is stuff I've seen little to no fuss over really.

Gotta say, I'm really fucking fed up of the "demo on vinyl" thing as well at this stage. Cool for old lost bands, but not every fucking band needs to press their demo on vinyl really.

I've just created a new genre that will solve the whole problem. Dearth Metal!

Can we just start referring to Black/Death or "Blackened Death" metal or whatever as "Black & Decker Metal" while we're at it?
Or maybe "Kitchen Sink Metal" might be a more apt term.

#20 February 01, 2019, 07:01:29 PM Last Edit: February 02, 2019, 12:47:51 AM by Angel of Debt
Social Realism Death metal? Gonna get on this bandwagon early.

Papa Loach - seeking members now, must be dour, on strike, or about to be on strike.

Lots of bands who are so underground they never record anything, not even to tape. That's what we need.

Quote from: Pentagrimes on February 01, 2019, 11:41:07 AM
do wereally need an Ossuarium or Cerebral Rot album this early on in their development

Taking this back cos in fairness having listened a few times  the Ossuarium lp shits on their demo

Feels like there's too much of everything, not just bands. But yea defo, it's becoming more and more onerous to dig up new gems. What is an acceptable age to stop caring about new music?

I try (in vein) to keep up by checking out new releases on the 20 or so labels I'm into. Bandcamp is good for this. Of course I'm still missing out on loads but works pretty well.