I'm not big on Goatmoon in general, or that is to say I haven't really explored much by them. I only actually own the split with Ride for Revenge. Maybe I need to dive in... This is a bit of a diversionary EP (Or maybe it's a new direction, what the hell do I know) with Maniac on vocals. Thematically it looks like something completely different to the nationalistic stuff the dude usually peddles. This is cartoonish sci-fi. Harald Mentor (RFR) wrote the lyrics and added electronics. It sounds like fun to me.


Just lashed that on there. Never heard anything by them at all but this is right up my street. I've a soft spot for Maniac's vocals anyway and the mention of a bit of sci fi with the BM is sort of catnip for me.

I'm assuming based on the youtube comments that they wouldn't usually be like this?

Goatmoon is one the best currently active bands and one of the best to ever come out of Finland. Not for those who are easily offended. The RFR split is only rehearsals check out the full lengths mainly Voitto tai Valhalla, Finnish Steel Storm and Varjot. The old RFR live singer who use to perform in a wheelchair is the man behind Goatmoon.

Not sure about this new single sounds a bit weird and I wonder how Maniac ended up getting involved with GM.