I love Bruce but I must be listening to a different song because that new one sounds absolutely shite to me. I was at the countdown for the live premiere and couldn't watch until the end. Hopefully the albums is better as a whole.

Song is OK actually. Have to agree that post 2000 Maiden gets a rough time here. Brave eNew World and a Matter... are top albums, Book if Souls and Senjutsu are good too anyway...

Brave new world is up there with the 80s albums.

Definitely, and my go-to 'reunion' era album is The Final Frontier. Cracking stuff.

Didn't think much of the song, but then I've never been a fan of his solo material.

I know it's been discussed to death here, but post-reunion Maiden are their own worst enemies with their noodly intros/outros, and the piss-weak production.

Bruce's version of If Eternity Should Fail was put up, then swiftly removed from youtube. It sounded a fair bit more muscular than the Maiden version, it must be said.

Once again Bruce has released a record that's far more interesting than anything Maiden have put out in aeons. Much more depth and variance to this stuff, it doesn't always quite hit the mark but leaves you wanting to listen again.

Apologies didn't see this thread earlier.

This album is class!

It is, I'm still listening to it here. First time I listened only Ragnarok and Eternity stood out but there's lots to sink ones teeth into,I've nearly got a different favourite every time I stick it on. Loving Fingers in the Wounds at the minute.

Aside from the songwriting being better than anything you'd find on a latter day Maiden record Bruce uses a lot more of his voice- doesn't always have to be roaring at the top of his range as he does with the day job.

Also compare how great this and Bruce's solo stuff is in general with British Lion.

#40 March 07, 2024, 08:51:33 AM Last Edit: March 07, 2024, 10:59:21 AM by KingHostile
Quote from: Pagan Saviour on March 07, 2024, 06:32:24 AMAlso compare how great this and Bruce's solo stuff is in general with British Lion.

I'm there man, couldn't compare Bruce with British Lion, Bruce's (as noted) output has been superior to Maiden post No Prayer.

Your right on the singing..... really comes into his own and a different fav everytime!

I could do without Face In The Mirror and the overblown Frozen epic at the end but I echo the words about a new favourite each listen. I'm on Rain On The Graves at the minute. 
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

It is growing on me but I do think it pales in comparison to Accident, Chemical and Tyranny.   Those three are real magic. 

#43 April 13, 2024, 11:33:44 AM Last Edit: April 13, 2024, 11:36:37 AM by Pain Medicine
He is doing 2 warm up shows in La, the first of which just wrapped up, apparently he confirmed the setlist will be different tomorrow night so yet to see what the setlist is going to be when the tour starts proper but some interesting cuts anyway including some live debuts from older albums as well as the Mandrake Project.

Saw a couple of clips and he sounded excellent.


Band sounds good alright but visually they look like Alestorm or something which is a bit jarring. Bruce adopted some of Janick's dance moves too
