I've been aware of these lads for a couple of years but let them slip through the net but this new one sounds really enticing.  It reminds me of Shades of God in its uptempo doom death style.  It's heavy on the twinkly keys in places but the atmosphere created by the riffs (actual riffs!) can withstand them. I find much of what gets labelled doom death lately to be just slow simple death metal and it's all a bit dull and samey.  This stands out to me.  Not highly original perhaps but certainly refreshing.


Can hear a lot of different influences throughout the album,  i like it, even the use of the keys & the Vocals are pretty cool. Guitar sound isn't the best in parts but not a huge complaint. 

The guitar is often buried and a bit thin but I'll take it over an ultra loud atmosphere murdering sound.

Started listening to 'Stygian Dreams' on a recommendation recently and I see they also have a new album out.

Absolutely quality. Manages to blend a load of early to mid 90s influences (I hear mid period Rotting Christ, Tiamat, Katatonia) seamlessly and its the most interesting doom/death I've heard in years. The songs sound strangely accessible and catchy, but in a familiar, nostalgic sort of way.

I looked at it on the shelf the other day but didn't take it down. Might be time for a revisit...

Fuck it, grabbed Stygian Dreams off the shelf for an airing  8)