Or, to give it it's full title: The Knocking, Or The Story of the Sound that Preceded Their Disappearance.

Excellent album here, and another rec from Snatch, but I think this one deserves its own thread.

Highly accomplished mix of Virus, Culte des Ghoules, Thantifaxath, and a little more Virus. Definitely want to get the LP of this:


Think there's a thread about em from lads that were in on it from the demo - but yes - I really rate this album. Love the attack in the vocals, the guitar tone, the fat bass. Songwriting and flow. It's just class.

The cover art GB Shaw doing a Jim Larkin impression brings a tear to my eye and all.

Ah yes, I see that now, totally slipped me by at the time.

This...I suppose...project/one man band whatever ya wanna call it goes well with the above. Erraunt. Guitar and bass player from Doldrum.