Putting aside the likes of BangerTV, video reviewers and people doing sax covers of Emperor songs for a moment, what are the YouTube channels that you use for full record / album uploads? A lot of us use this platform to initially check out bands and records, or because it's handiest in an office or work environment. I'd be curious if there are any channels that you find yourself continually listening to because they just have good taste. There are plenty of labels posting lots of good stuff on their channels too, but I'm more curious about the channels that are picking and choosing from new and old releases in general. 

Off the top of my head:

NWOTHM - This guy has been doing a good job of uploading everything of note in the trad metal scene for the past couple of years.
Greg Biehl - No idea who this guy is, but you can rely on him for good black/death uploads pretty much on a daily basis.
Black Metal Promotion - It's a promotional channel so lots of stuff I have zero interest in, but plenty of gems mixed in there too.
No Deal - Largely just new hardcore, nasty punk and d-beat, but the quality tends to be excellent. 

The channel Odium Nostrum tends to have good stuff in terms of black and death metal.

Metal vault 1 and 2 seem to upload a good mix of everything

Greg Biehl, Black Metal Promotions and Odium Nostrum all get hit.

Quote from: Juggz on November 04, 2019, 10:30:00 PM
666MrDoom has more stoner & doom than is possible to listen to


He is great for stoner doom stuff and generally has a good mix.  For sludgier stuff, Rob Hammer is pretty decent too: https://www.youtube.com/user/rhammer68

For anyone who doesn't know, Spacepig records heaps of Cork gigs in great quality: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrSpacepig

Failing those it's just browsing bandcamp tags instead.

Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on November 04, 2019, 09:35:40 PM
Stoned Meadow of Doom rarely lets me down....


He has a lot of good stuff up but the lad running the channel is notoriously dodgy so I wouldn't even give him the views.  Huge arguments online about it going back years.

Cheers for the replies! Somehow I'd completely missed out on Odium Nostrum up until now.

Good selection of mainly US Death Metal demos.


Cool, some very obscure looking stuff in there.

QuoteStoned Meadow of Doom...
He has a lot of good stuff up but the lad running the channel is notoriously dodgy so I wouldn't even give him the views.  Huge arguments online about it going back years.

Yeah, he's been very vocal about turning it into a "business" and he's gotten into plenty of arguments about it and that closed Facebook group he runs, but likewise a lot of bands seem to have done very well out of being on that channel.

I just find part of the issue with channels that upload almost daily content is that it's almost impossible to invest the time to separate the good from the generic shite. A bit like labels in that respect!

#8 November 05, 2019, 10:58:37 PM Last Edit: November 08, 2019, 10:21:55 AM by Nail_Bombed
There's a few channels I have kept tabs on -
One of them, Gore Grinder, puts out a lot of vids of both up to date grind/black/death bands plus crust/punk/d-beat releases alongside older material.
Another, Giveintohate, puts out vids of mainly Eurocentric metallic hardcore in the vein of All Out War/Integrity/etc
Also for more along the line of crust/doomy hardcore theres RickVarukersPunx.
ThexContempt is all pretty much Euro metalcore - with a lot of coverage of the H8000 bands like xLiarx, Congress, Deformity and so forth.

Gore Grinder - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwgaE3AlYxzpEK8J01xYD7w

Giveintohate - https://www.youtube.com/user/zazhxc/videos

RickVarukersPunx - https://www.youtube.com/user/RICKVARUKERSPUNX/videos

ThexContempt - https://www.youtube.com/user/TheXcontemptx/videos

Quote from: ResidentOfBok on November 05, 2019, 10:29:53 PMYeah, he's been very vocal about turning it into a "business" and he's gotten into plenty of arguments about it and that closed Facebook group he runs, but likewise a lot of bands seem to have done very well out of being on that channel.
There's a huge thread on facebook (that they mostly deleted posts from) where two lads running SMOD pretty much told everyone to go fuck themselves for questioning their channel, that underground doom would be nothing without them.  Asking bands to sign exclusivity agreements with them for a youtube channel with 'free promotion' as payment.  They pull a grand a month minimum from uploads (someone worked out views vs. monetisation in the thread).  They've issued takedowns against other channels, and were caught stealing reviews as blurbs a few years back - the reviewer in question contacted them for credit and was blocked on every platform so he posted about it online.  Apparently ran some sort of pay to play festival too, and more.  Distilled Gowls

Yeah, I've seen evidence of that all over the place!

Thanks for the other channel recommendations, all very useful.