A 'new' release by Cynic. Giving it a first spin through here, the growly vocals are gone, something I often thought were unnecessary, although now they're gone hmmmm I'm not so sure. Lots of little effects here and there and a kind of sparklier production on some of the guitars...not sure how essential it is at all really. Need to give it a couple more listens. Feels like a cash grab on first impressions.

Why can't they just get over the bumming they gave eachother or whatever the fuck happened and get the show back on the road?

I think Tymon said he was never happy with his harsh vocals so didn't mind them being removed. Still though,  I enjoyed them and never thought there was anything wrong with the production, it's a near flawless album for me. Don't think I'll be bothering with this at all

Waiting for the postie to deliver it. Nothing wrong with the original at all but Cynic is Cynic so I need to have it  :laugh:

Didn't know about this! I could take or leave Tymon's vocals, but I wonder how Masvidal's will sound without them. The stuff Cynic put out after it, he sounded very twee.

Been listening to this a chunk (ye, Spotify). It's different for sure - it sounds a bit brighter and more airy, the guitars are a touch thinner and the drums have had a lot of the low end removed, it's very clean and modern sounding.

It's also become a lot less distinct sounding - it has the same modern prog metal production as countless other bands, it's lost any teeth it had, and kinda gives the impression that Masvidal isn't really down with his death metal past.

If you never jived with Tymon's vocals then it's cool I suppose, but it's a pretty pointless release.

Yes you hit the nail on the head. A distinct lack of bite to it, it lies somewhere between the original album and the Retraced effort. Completely pointless and a money grab.

I loved the production of the original record, especially the drums and the more I listen to this, the more it feels like a big "F you" to Reinert.

I kinda enjoyed Retraced for what it was (Aeon Spoke rewrites), especially "Wheels Within Wheels", but as you say, this is nothing but a cynical(!) cash-grab.

Yep, agree with all of the above. Theologians spent a coupla thousand years trying to explain the holy trinity and it would take another few thousand to get to a point with Cynic where you realise that Reinert is Cynic as Cynic is Reinert, Masvidal and and Sean Malone and they are Cynic and Cynic is the drum and the guitar and the bass and the ayahuasca, they are everything and one..basically Reinert will never be replaced and the production is shocking and they need to fukin man up, get the band back together, quit being bent(in a non homosexual way) and get a new album written.

What's Reinert doing these days? Would've thought he'd be pretty in demand for bands touring, or session work, but haven't really heard much since he left Cynic

It arrived yesterday. I'd agree with what has been said, it's unnecessary. That being said, it does allow a few things to shine which were a little obscured in the original mix so, for that, it's nice... but nothing more than nice. To throw a slightly different perspective on it, that's about all it's worth. Listening to the original after listening to this, it's interesting knowing some of the details the new mix uncovered. The original is still unquestionably the definitive here, both in terms of vocals and mix.

The guy who mixed it is the former bass player/producer from Periphery, so well versed in modern clinical mixes. He also mixed Humanoid so appears to be "in" with Cynic for the forseeable furture, if there is one.

#10 October 02, 2019, 12:31:32 PM Last Edit: October 02, 2019, 12:35:10 PM by Ducky
No offence to Matt Lynch (he's obviously a capable drummer to get the gig), but the thought of a Cynic record with no Reinert has me making unimpressed Greta Thunberg faces.

Is Masvidal even capable of coming out with new and worthy material? This is now the fourth time he's released some of these songs (Aeon Spoke, Traced, Retraced, Remixed). Bar the "meh" Humanoid single, the only other Cynic releases we've had is the demo collection (and while I do like it and it's nice to have them consolidated I to one collection, it's a case of "here's more new stuff that isn't actually new - the sequel").

Traced feels like a fluke and the only other thing since that feels worthy of the Cynic name since is Wheels Within Wheels - which really makes me wonder just how much of their comeback was down to Tymon as that was the last thing he was involved with?

Either way, Masvidal is now into the realms of tainting Cynic's legacy and turning a once legendary outfit into a joke. Maybe it's time for the elves working the controls in his head to finally beam out.

Masvidal is playing the Prognosis festival but under his own name, wonder if there's some legal shenanigans going on to stop him touring as Cynic?

Didn't he release some solo stuff that's far removed from Cynic?

You're right, he's released two EPs this year. Completely missed that, must give them a go later

Quote from: Pedrito on September 28, 2019, 08:54:54 PM
get the band back together, quit being bent(in a non homosexual way) and get a new album written.
How can they quit being bent 'in a non homosexual way" when they all ARE bent!.....christ on a bike.