I think I'm a sucker for the old sci-fi death metal slant. I needed something new after listening to Artificial Brain on repeat for 3 years, this has definitely filled that void 

Quote from: mick1sheridan on November 25, 2019, 12:39:56 PM
I think I'm a sucker for the old sci-fi death metal slant. I needed something new after listening to Artificial Brain on repeat for 3 years, this has definitely filled that void

Get Nucleus into you as well so.

It's good. Its very good. That long song is really good. Good

First listen of this today.
Really food stuff.
The long one needs a lot of attention yet, though.

This is fairly deadly.  Gave it a lash the other night in the background and thought it was great, must give it another go with my full attention some evening soon.

When Starspawn came out I listened to a few tracks and thought it was fairly good but nothing special. Then I had some time and stuck on the opening track and bang, sold. What an incredible piece of music especially the last few minutes.  The rest of the album pales after it but is solid.
Need to give the new one some more time as I reckon it needs more than a casual listen but definitely is readily identifiable as Blood Incantation. Artwork is cat.
Interdimensional extinction is a ripper as previously mentioned, especially the drums. I usually play the opener from Starspawn and then lash on the ep . Must check out the split with Spectral Voice too.

It's an undeniably strong release, but I have to echo the sentiments that the ridiculous hype around it has somewhat diluted it for me. It's not that huge a departure from Starspawn, but I'm just not finding myself want to return to it as much as I was expecting. That may change. In any case, their current success is warranted and I'm glad to see them do so well but their fanbase needs to chill the fuck out a bit

My major complaint is really just that I'd have liked another song or two. Very few death metal abdsn I'd want more than 40 minutes of but BI are in that category.

Absolutely agree with Karl on the fanbase thing, though having said that I'll be booking flights to see them at least once when they announce tour dates. Can't stress enough that their live set really does justify the hype about them.

I had the album on last night and, despite my arguments above which I stand behind, I think it sounds cool.  I will pick it up if I see the CD around for sale.