Cheers dude .
Couldn't use my handle here as a pen name unfortunately  :abbath:

Have any of you read the Gormenghast books? No idea if they're any good but they keep popping up in ads on my computer.

Not yet, though I've owned them for years (including the 'unfinished' last book). My old man reckoned they were great.

I read most of the first one. It all seemed fairly pointless, if I'm honest. Wasn't arsed finishing it.

Reading The Witcher currently. Anyone else had a read of it?

Toying with the idea of reading The Witcher before I watch the series.

Read Lyonesse by Jack Vance. Nice to read a self-contained fantasy story for a change. On the flipside, starting The Farsser series, having previously read the first trilogy, doing a re-read of those before moving on. Must be about 15-18 books in the whole saga.

Quote from: FlyinBrian on February 05, 2019, 10:47:21 PM.

Any thoughts on The Wheel of Time getting to tv.

I finished the books about a year ago so looking forward to seeing how it develops in the series. I'm gonna wait til the xmas holidays to start watching after S1 has been fully released but I'd be interested to see what fans of the books make of it.

I just recently finished Terry Brooks' The Heritage of Shannara. Found it a bit of a slog really so had to read some other books during the 4 books in the series (pain in the shoulder from holding the omnibus edition!). Is the original Shanara series worth checking out?

I've only read the Heritage books and the prequel to the Sword trilogy. Must be 20 years ago so I can barely remember them but I enjoyed then at the time. The other Brooks stuff I've read have been average at best (Word And The Void trilogy, Landover series).

Quote from: Snare on November 23, 2021, 10:50:48 PM
Quote from: FlyinBrian on February 05, 2019, 10:47:21 PM.

Any thoughts on The Wheel of Time getting to tv.

I finished the books about a year ago so looking forward to seeing how it develops in the series. I'm gonna wait til the xmas holidays to start watching after S1 has been fully released but I'd be interested to see what fans of the books make of it.

I just recently finished Terry Brooks' The Heritage of Shannara. Found it a bit of a slog really so had to read some other books during the 4 books in the series (pain in the shoulder from holding the omnibus edition!). Is the original Shanara series worth checking out?

I enjoyed the original Shannara series. It's nothing ground breaking but moves along quickly.

Watched the first episode of Wheel of Time. A couple of noticeable changes to the source material already, one in particular goes against the whole Dragon Reborn thing. I don't know what to make of it yet. At times it looks lavish, other times it looks cheap. Most of the episode is boring and then it all kicks off so pacing could be an issue going forward. In a sense that's probably in keeping with the books! There's an amazing story in there, enough to contend with Game of Thrones, I'm just not sure they'll get it right. I'm very much on the fence at the moment. I can understand why the reviews are so polarised.

I haven't seen any of the Wheel Of Time Show Barca few stills. It looks a bit like something from the sci-fi network. Cheap.
The comparison to GOT is inevitable and it will always pale in comparison production wise.

Have any of you read Malice by John Gwyne? Is it worth my few shillings?

Also what's sorely needed is the next Gentlemen Bastards book. The books so far are truly excellent.

Production wise, WoT should blow GoT out of the water. It's a Bezos vanity project with the specific aim of bettering GoT. But ya, it hasn't come close to that yet.

I've Locke Lamora and the follow up at home but because your man writes at the same pace as GRR Martin, I'll wait til closer the end of the series to start, whenever that'll be.

I haven't watched WoT, and never read it, but some friends who were well into it 20 years ago have said it's not awful. Disagree that it's intended to be competition to GoT though; I think this is basically treading water until the LoTR series comes out. That's billed to be the real vanity project.

#72 November 24, 2021, 09:56:57 AM Last Edit: November 24, 2021, 10:00:52 AM by Emphyrio
LotR is likely to be on another level again but it was a Bezos directive that he wanted a GoT "killer" in WoT.

#73 November 24, 2021, 10:43:10 AM Last Edit: November 24, 2021, 10:55:00 AM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Quote from: Emphyrio on November 24, 2021, 09:56:57 AM
LotR is likely to be on another level again but it was a Bezos directive that he wanted a GoT "killer" in WoT.

Ah okay, fair enough. As someone else said, I'll wait until at least the first season is done and the reviews are in before deciding to give it a go or not meself.

I'm thinking I should have held out til Xmas to watch it myself. Fuckit sher.