Great artwork and despite the cost I'll buy this without question. It will be interesting to hear where MB go after 'Rust and Bone'.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on March 10, 2020, 01:18:39 PM
Just stuck in an order there. Good timing 'cos it'll ship with that new Sweven one so shared postage will cancel out a bit of the price!

I did the same... new slidhr 7" split there too to soften the blow

I saw someone mention 'Formless' as being one of their top albums of the 2010's!!!
Have to copy that narrative myself and say that if I had to choose one album for the past decade then it'd be this one.
I hate saying things like 'It's the best'......but certainly, nothing can match it for me  ;D

Announced a few posts back. DHL have mine somewhere, was supposed to be delivered two days ago but no word. Guess things are pretty crazy for them too

Quote from: Kurt Cocaine on March 27, 2020, 06:02:57 AM
New split with The Ruins of Beverast....
I'm listening to that Mourning Beloveth track on repeat all evening. Amazing, absolutely amazing!

Sounds great to me. I'd love to hear that, or something along those lines in the context of a full album followed with a huge, crushingly heavy song. It felt like that's what it was building up to, and I like the fact that it just did its own thing but imagine a massive, doomy death song trailing after it. I'll fire in an order for the split and the new Slidhr split 7" asap.

Been listening to this a fair bit over the past few days.  Incredible song.

Listening to Dust this morning. Great album and fantastic deep, warm production. A local classic without a doubt. I've yet to pick up the recent split which I'll have to rectify.

That recent song is excellent. Might grab that split

I feel a little Mourning Beloveth binge coming on. I had The Sullen Sulcus on earlier and what a superb album it is. Pure doom magic. I wonder if they have new stuff in the works and how much Frank is contributing. Is Barry White, the new guitarist, writing as well or just filling in live?

Barry White? They should have him singing the clean parts.... Smooth

Formless on here this morning. Dead Channel! What an epic. They must be inching closer to a new full length. Rust & Bone was cool enough but I only really consider it an EP so that would mean it is now 11 years since their last actual full length  :o

After a few years of nothing we are finally writing some new stuff. Frank and myself on vocals and Barry and Pauric on guitar, Tim and Bren on the drum n bass.
Same Same...but different.....