#15 September 02, 2019, 03:21:34 PM Last Edit: September 02, 2019, 03:23:34 PM by Pentagrimes
Kinda nails it for me too Chris, if you're into this style tis grand I'm sure, I found it went in one ear and went out the other personally but I suppose I'm just not really into this style nowadays, I'd happily reach for Sinistrous Diabolous once the need for Kiwi filth kicks in.

The "Label" comment refers to two things - on one hand Profound Lore have had grief from some quarters for putting out Disma, on the other because they put out stuff like Lingua Ignota or Heaven Club I could see die hards giving them stick for that maybe, I've definitely seen the "hipster" label thrown at PL in the past which seems a bit ridiculous given the largely death/black metal content on the roster.. Not really going to lose any sleep over it either way.

#16 September 02, 2019, 05:08:54 PM Last Edit: September 02, 2019, 07:50:25 PM by Eoin McLove
My copy arrived today. Looking forward to giving it a spin despite the utterly abysmal artwork and layout.  It really looks dreadful to me.

Finally getting to sit down with this.  Definitely more in line with Doom Cult and WOAAA than Gesundrian but the production has clarity enough for the riffs to come through.  It's wild,  vicious,  utterly predictable and makes absolutely no attempts to rewrite the Conqueror/ Blasphemy handbook.  Sounds good to me!
I hate the new logo.  No idea why they changed it from the two far superior early ones.  The cover has grown on me in its garishness but the,  no doubt purposeful,  mess that is the inlay looks like dogshite.

Plundered by Hyenas is such a savage song title.

"I was ploughing your oul one out of it last night and by the time I'd finished with her she looked like she'd been plundered by hyenas!"

It is probably the best one on there.  I'll admit the cassette version of the artwork is cat. The lp version looks alright to me.

The front looks good or has at least grown on me, but the booklet is an eyesore. I'm sure they made it that way on purpose as a reflection of their return to an overall more chaotic war sound and style  (compared with the tight, death metal orientated sound and imagery of Gesundrian) and in that regard I get it.  It just looks like shit and you can't read most of the lyrics which, ironically,  I would probably have found extreme and interesting 10-15 years ago,  but find annoying now that I'm becoming a boring old fart.

Lyrics are all up metal archives. Vinyl and cd booklets seem to be hard to make out. Cover art is great.

I thought the garish artwork was about the most interesting thing about this release. As with all Diocletians releases, I check it out, think "wow, this is some vicious stuff" and then never feel the urge to re-visit it. Gesundrian was a bit more interesting, but then it was somewhat of a departure from the usual style.

They'll be back over next year anyway. Whatever your thoughts on record of late, they are a serious force to be reckoned with on stage

Quote from: Pentagrimes on September 02, 2019, 11:58:58 AM
Maybe it's just pissing people off because it's shite? Or because of the label it's on?

Nah, was the usual bleating about them being "Nazis", and other similarly jaded assumptions.

I honestly haven't heard any of said bleating. I'll admit the booklet in the LP and cassette versions fails as a lyric sheet, still looks kinda cool though.

Yeah, neither have I, but I don't go looking for it I suppose. From whence cometh this whining?

There were direct complaints made to Profound Lore. Most of the back and forth is probably still on their FB page.

Gigs here in May 2020. First week of the month in Limerick and Dublin. Nice!