#45 August 30, 2019, 04:03:51 PM Last Edit: August 30, 2019, 04:09:39 PM by Pentagrimes
Quote from: lifeeternal on August 30, 2019, 10:51:18 AM
Not worth 13 years at all. The heavier bits are terrible. It's grand I suppose. Chocolate Chip Trip is the highlight.

I'm curious how many times you'd listened to this album before posting this?

I'm not a Tool fan at all (far from it - largely indifferent the majority of their work and the fanboy worship around them makes me physically sick), but I'd think an album where the majority of songs are in the 10 plus minute region might need a bit of time to be absorbed before being able to form an impression, regardless of how many years it took them to make it. Like did this leak a while ago or did you only hear it for the first time this morning when it was released?

By the same token though, some of the reviews I'm seeing seem almost entirely based on the "oh my god, I'm just so happy they've finally put this out" basis.  I'm curious to see how people will feel about it a year from now.

Quote from: lifeeternal on August 30, 2019, 03:56:43 PM
Quote from: Ducky on August 30, 2019, 03:46:11 PM

If you want some epic cringe moments have a look at the Tool sub on Reddit. Holy fuck.

Holy Mary Mother O Gawd. Fucking hell.

Jesus christ...this post where someone literally explains the "big words" on the album for people who don't understand them. Wow. All this prattling on about the amazing hidden meanings in their discography and then this lad has to explain the word "Allegory"..

#47 August 30, 2019, 04:44:19 PM Last Edit: August 30, 2019, 04:47:58 PM by lifeeternal
Quote from: Pentagrimes on August 30, 2019, 04:03:51 PM
Quote from: lifeeternal on August 30, 2019, 10:51:18 AM
Not worth 13 years at all. The heavier bits are terrible. It's grand I suppose. Chocolate Chip Trip is the highlight.

I'm curious how many times you'd listened to this album before posting this?

I'm not a Tool fan at all (far from it - largely indifferent the majority of their work and the fanboy worship around them makes me physically sick), but I'd think an album where the majority of songs are in the 10 plus minute region might need a bit of time to be absorbed before being able to form an impression, regardless of how many years it took them to make it. Like did this leak a while ago or did you only hear it for the first time this morning when it was released?

By the same token though, some of the reviews I'm seeing seem almost entirely based on the "oh my god, I'm just so happy they've finally put this out" basis.  I'm curious to see how people will feel about it a year from now.
About 10 times, it leaked Monday. I like the album but as I said the heavy parts are not great, mainly due to the lack of Maynards presence (to these ears).

The first 10 times I've listened to it was late at night and doing literally nothing else and during my daily commute. I have it on in the kitchen while I'm cooking now and I'm enjoying it a lot more!  :laugh:

Got as far as 7empest today thanks to bad traffic on M50, if it wasn't for long commutes, I'm not sure how I'd ever get to listen to anything these days. First impression is it's good. Dunno how someone could rate Chocolate Chip Trip as the highlight when it's a typical novelty type interlude. I very much doubt that any album could live up to a "thirteen year wait", it's not really Tool's fault that they have a fairly retarded fanbase. Must have a look at that sub reddit for the laugh. Anyway, back to the actual music, it certainly seems to be lacking in heavy moments. Part of me thinks that even though Maynard's vocals are such an intrinsic part of the band, the meandering nature of the music means that Tool are effectively now a post-rock band with vocals. I think the brutal simplicity of a track like Aenima sometimes serves them better.

Quote from: Pentagrimes on August 30, 2019, 04:27:53 PM
Quote from: lifeeternal on August 30, 2019, 03:56:43 PM
Quote from: Ducky on August 30, 2019, 03:46:11 PM

If you want some epic cringe moments have a look at the Tool sub on Reddit. Holy fuck.

Holy Mary Mother O Gawd. Fucking hell.

Jesus christ...this post where someone literally explains the "big words" on the album for people who don't understand them. Wow. All this prattling on about the amazing hidden meanings in their discography and then this lad has to explain the word "Allegory"..

Yeah, that's fairly cringe alright. Also bad are the numerous references to those who passed away over the last 13 years and how grateful we should be to be alive to witness this masterpiece.

Listened to it twice now today while working. It's good like, didn't want to turn it off at any point. Will sit down to it with a joint over the weekend.

Enjoying this despite its meandering nature.  Super production.  Maynard is really holding the songs together, is my initial impression, as musically it offers no surprises.  Defo one for the car whenever the pauper CD edition gets released.

Plenty of these on YouTube but here's an unboxing link for the CD if anyone is curious....


I think it looks absolutely class and serious kudos for the effort that went into something that generally isn't given that much consideration. But I can't really justify that price. Christmas pressie maybe?

Quote from: Cosmic_Equilibrium on August 30, 2019, 04:03:03 PM
Quote from: Ducky on August 30, 2019, 03:46:11 PM
Quote from: lifeeternal on August 30, 2019, 02:56:41 PM
Lads 10,000 days has Vicarious, Jambi, The Pot and Right in Two, its a quality album.
I'd consider myself a hardcore Tool fan but christ the way people are calling this album their best is hilarious.
This comment from youtube has to be a troll
"Its the greatest album ever written.  Ever. This album drove emotions out of me I didn't even know I had. 7empest made me cry. It was awe inspiring"

Seeing as Vicarious, Jambi, The Pot and Right in Two are all shite songs...

If you want some epic cringe moments have a look at the Tool sub on Reddit. Holy fuck.

Vicarious and Jambi are great songs. TBH not sure why people don't seem to think much of 10,000 Days, listened to it recently and it seems fine to me.

Mainly the songs just aren't there. But it kinda hangs together like two or three separate EPs on one disc, it feels kinda disjointed. The lyrics for The Pot and Vicarious are a bit too "obvious" and the songs about his mother (Jambi, Wings for Marie 1+ 2) make me uncomfortable.

Quote from: Pentagrimes on August 30, 2019, 04:27:53 PM
Quote from: lifeeternal on August 30, 2019, 03:56:43 PM
Quote from: Ducky on August 30, 2019, 03:46:11 PM

If you want some epic cringe moments have a look at the Tool sub on Reddit. Holy fuck.

Holy Mary Mother O Gawd. Fucking hell.

Jesus christ...this post where someone literally explains the "big words" on the album for people who don't understand them. Wow. All this prattling on about the amazing hidden meanings in their discography and then this lad has to explain the word "Allegory"..

I thought that one was absolutely spectacular. Aren't Tool fans supposed to be Intellectually Superiorâ„¢?

I'll give the benefit of the doubt to folks who have English as a second language, but I looked through the list and all I could think is how limited is your vocabulary when you need those words explained?


restricted in size, amount, or extent; few, small, or short.
"a limited number of places are available"
synonyms:   restricted, finite, bounded, little, narrow, tight, lean, slight, slender, in short supply, short


Learn to pronounce
noun: vocabulary; plural noun: vocabularies
the body of words used in a particular language.
"a comparison of the vocabularies of different languages"
synonyms:   lexicon, word stock, lexis
"they are intelligent people with an extensive vocabulary"
the words used in a particular subject or sphere of activity or on a particular occasion.
"the vocabulary of law"
the body of words known to an individual person.
"he had a wide vocabulary"
a list of difficult or unfamiliar words with an explanation of their meanings, accompanying a piece of specialist or foreign-language text.

In case anyone is struggling to follow the conversation.

Quote from: Ducky on August 31, 2019, 02:17:45 AM
Quote from: Pentagrimes on August 30, 2019, 04:27:53 PM
Quote from: lifeeternal on August 30, 2019, 03:56:43 PM
Quote from: Ducky on August 30, 2019, 03:46:11 PM

If you want some epic cringe moments have a look at the Tool sub on Reddit. Holy fuck.

Holy Mary Mother O Gawd. Fucking hell.

Jesus christ...this post where someone literally explains the "big words" on the album for people who don't understand them. Wow. All this prattling on about the amazing hidden meanings in their discography and then this lad has to explain the word "Allegory"..

I thought that one was absolutely spectacular. Aren't Tool fans supposed to be Intellectually Superiorâ„¢?

I'll give the benefit of the doubt to folks who have English as a second language, but I looked through the list and all I could think is how limited is your vocabulary when you need those words explained?
You are talking about people who think that Maynards use of the word juxtaposition makes him a literary god. The type of people who cream themselves over the obtuse bullshit spouted by academics, while not understanding a fucking word of it.

The lad from Abominable Electronics posted something utterly cringey onInstagram basically implying that people who make fun of Tool are jocks. The persecution complex is astounding. I was bullied mercilessly in school and I assure you it hasn't made me appreciate Tool at all.

The only shit thing is that it was made by Metal Sucks.  Funny video though.  I know Tool fans have that rep but I've never witnessed it.  I'm assuming there's a Tool forum where these gimps go to never get their hole?