Although, I grew to enjoy 10,000 Days over time and still listen to it regularly.

Vicarious, Jambi and The Pot are all cracking tunes

new Tune is poor. There's a couple of flashes of something cool but most of the parts sound creepily similar to existing parts of earlier Tool songs. Very derivative. It's like a collage of Tool written by a Tool cover band.

Most of 10,000 Days shits on it

It's a grand tune. They have carved out their own quite unique sound so it's hardly a surprise that the new song fits that sound. Their music tends to work better as a full album so, roll on the 30th, I'm looking forward to hearing the whole thing.

I haven't listened to it much, only around 30 times is all and I think it is a Very Good Tool Song. I still listen to Lateralus and Aenima regularly after 20 odd years, but 10,000 days hardly ever gets a go. Each song on it is good on their own, but the whole album feels like something missing compared to the two brilliant ones.

Hopefully when all the hype dies back, we will be left with a Very Good Tool Album.

Not worth 13 years at all. The heavier bits are terrible. It's grand I suppose. Chocolate Chip Trip is the highlight.

Appears that the only CD format is the retarded LCD screen jobby for 75 GBP. They can get fucked at that.

There's no regular CD? Way to encourage piracy.

I'm near the end of my second spin and I'm actually enjoying it. Dunno how well it'll hold up to repeated listens but it's a big improvement over 10,000 Days.

7empest (what a fucking awful title) has a serious Undertow vibe to it.

On first listen, seems a bit like Lateralus but more spread out. Good album. Pneuma and 7empest are the highlights so far. Only thing is I'm not sold on the interludes between songs.

I've heard there will be a regular CD released eventually but can't confirm that. Just buy a FLAC download if you don't want to spend on the deluxe release. I have to admit the packaging on the deluxe looks amazing.

No CD other than the silly thing? No sale.

Lads 10,000 days has Vicarious, Jambi, The Pot and Right in Two, its a quality album.
I'd consider myself a hardcore Tool fan but christ the way people are calling this album their best is hilarious.
This comment from youtube has to be a troll
"Its the greatest album ever written.  Ever. This album drove emotions out of me I didn't even know I had. 7empest made me cry. It was awe inspiring"

To me it just sounds like they morphed some Lateralus/10,000 days riffs and spread them out over the first few songs. A lot of meandering and that djembe type drumming gets old fast. As a casual fan, not much is sitting well with me on the first few listens apart from the last song.

Quote from: lifeeternal on August 30, 2019, 02:56:41 PM
Lads 10,000 days has Vicarious, Jambi, The Pot and Right in Two, its a quality album.
I'd consider myself a hardcore Tool fan but christ the way people are calling this album their best is hilarious.
This comment from youtube has to be a troll
"Its the greatest album ever written.  Ever. This album drove emotions out of me I didn't even know I had. 7empest made me cry. It was awe inspiring"

Seeing as Vicarious, Jambi, The Pot and Right in Two are all shite songs...

If you want some epic cringe moments have a look at the Tool sub on Reddit. Holy fuck.

Quote from: Ducky on August 30, 2019, 03:46:11 PM

If you want some epic cringe moments have a look at the Tool sub on Reddit. Holy fuck.

Holy Mary Mother O Gawd. Fucking hell.

Quote from: Ducky on August 30, 2019, 03:46:11 PM
Quote from: lifeeternal on August 30, 2019, 02:56:41 PM
Lads 10,000 days has Vicarious, Jambi, The Pot and Right in Two, its a quality album.
I'd consider myself a hardcore Tool fan but christ the way people are calling this album their best is hilarious.
This comment from youtube has to be a troll
"Its the greatest album ever written.  Ever. This album drove emotions out of me I didn't even know I had. 7empest made me cry. It was awe inspiring"

Seeing as Vicarious, Jambi, The Pot and Right in Two are all shite songs...

If you want some epic cringe moments have a look at the Tool sub on Reddit. Holy fuck.

Vicarious and Jambi are great songs. TBH not sure why people don't seem to think much of 10,000 Days, listened to it recently and it seems fine to me.