I do laugh at the lads posting pictures of themselves and their 50 quid CD and bottles of Keenan's wine and think of the bit in Hooker With a Penis -

"All you read and wear or see and hear on TV is a product begging for your fatass dirty dollar". Hook, line and sinker.

Pretty sure the band are as put off by the hardcore dribblers as much as any sane person, but they've figured out how to monetised that idiocy for themselves.

Quote from: Wiseblood on August 31, 2019, 12:06:54 PM


This sums them up fairly well  :laugh:

Brilliant! I remember reading about one of their songs following a Fibonacci sequence, why the fuck anyone would do this or think it is cool is beyond me.

Quote from: jpm4 on August 31, 2019, 01:36:59 PM
Quote from: Wiseblood on August 31, 2019, 12:06:54 PM


This sums them up fairly well  :laugh:

Brilliant! I remember reading about one of their songs following a Fibonacci sequence, why the fuck anyone would do this or think it is cool is beyond me.

That's Lateralus and it is cool. Incorporating maths and philosophy into your music isn't something you'll see every day, don't see why they should be ridiculed for it.

It's the absolute warpo fans that think anything that if you're into anything that isn't Tool then you are automatically an idiot and one that that knows nothing about music are the problem.

#63 August 31, 2019, 02:40:19 PM Last Edit: December 02, 2019, 09:25:33 PM by stevie-0

Quote from: Ducky on August 31, 2019, 01:52:13 PM
Quote from: jpm4 on August 31, 2019, 01:36:59 PM
Quote from: Wiseblood on August 31, 2019, 12:06:54 PM


This sums them up fairly well  :laugh:

Brilliant! I remember reading about one of their songs following a Fibonacci sequence, why the fuck anyone would do this or think it is cool is beyond me.

That's Lateralus and it is cool. Incorporating maths and philosophy into your music isn't something you'll see every day, don't see why they should be ridiculed for it.

Just strikes me as pompous , if you think it's cool then grand. If some Tool fans need help with big words in the lyrics then I wonder what they'd get out of a Fibonacci sequence.

Tool,a band i never got,a band that completely passed me by my whole metal life.

In fairness all this talk about then has made me go back and listen to them out of curiosity. My ex was a big fan and none of the stuff she played me ever really clicked bar a song here or there but I think Aenima was the album she played most. Certainly wasnt overly taken with the music when I saw them in the point,enjoyed the spectacle though.

The rabid fanbase thing is surprising to me, similar to the kind of devotion Muse had/have. I like them but I don't understand why people go so fucking nuts over them. I used to play in a band, over 15 years ago, where the guitarist was massively into Tool. I was a good few years older than all of them and used to regale them with tales of gigs from the late 80's when they were not long beyond the embryo stage. As his second favourite band was RATM, I showed him my ticket-stub from when RATM played the Tivoli in the early 90's. Tool were supposed to support but we got fucking Whipping Boy instead in a classic cunt move, as they had just signed to Sony/Epic, but Tool was still printed on the ticket. I showed him the stub and he started to well up, it really upset him. His two favourite bands ever and he was unaware this gig ever took place. It really, really upset him  :laugh: Of course, seeing this, I strung him along telling him how great Tool were in this tiny venue, Paul D'Amour on bass, yak yak yak, followed by RATM touring their debut album, Wilk playing facing away from the crowd, until he countered one day with "I CHECKED A TOOL GIG HISTORY AND IT SAID THEY NEVER PLAYED HERE THAT YEAR!!!" at which point I came clean to much laughter. Not from him, though. I'm not sure he ever fully forgave me. He was a good bloke, all the same.

I try not to let other people influence what I think of bands, If I did, there wouldn't be much left to listen to. There seems to be something similar among Kyuss fans. Bands are great but to go la-la over just one doesn't make any sense. Great music is beautiful, get as much of it in as you can no mater who fucking plays it.

Just picked up the new album, will give it a go tomorrow.

Quote from: jpm4 on August 31, 2019, 01:36:59 PM
Brilliant! I remember reading about one of their songs following a Fibonacci sequence, why the fuck anyone would do this or think it is cool is beyond me.

Certainly that's what a Tool fan would tell you! It's a pretty cool little Easter egg type thing. What's important, the only thing that qualifies it for being "cool" at all, is that the quality of the music, in this case, more than surpasses the gimmick. Ultimately it's not so different to writing music or poetry to fit any given conventional form; haiku, dithyramb, sonnet, limerick, etc.

Gave 10000 Days a listen today, for the first time in years. There's maybe 4 really good songs, and even then there's only parts of the songs where they really hit the heights. They're brilliant at the drawn out tension but sadly lacking in the necessary relief. Gonna revisit their back catalog in the next few days before giving the new one a go.

And Juggz, while Whipping Boy are an awful choice as support for RATM, they were a superb band.  They released my favourite Irish album ever. 

Can't argue with that, I like Heartworm a lot. They were the wrong band in the wrong place that night, though, especially when it could have been the kind of gig which would make a grown man cry.

Aye, could have been a proper double header, in fairness.

Is this getting a vinyl release lads? Thought I seen it was somewhere but seems to be no updates...

Few listens in and enjoying it. It feels more instrumentally driven than previous albums and Maynard's vocals, while very good, are quite noticeably reined in. It's missing the massive climaxes I think and the album never feels like it goes into 5th gear.