Today I've been listening to stuff like Jute Gyte, Kayo Dot, projects at the odder end of the spectrum, and that put Aghora into my head so I decided to revisit the debut album.

The peeve? I can't get fucking Frantic out of my head while listening to this song... and it keeps coming back into it!

I think the band should sue for plagiarism.

 Would have never heard it till you said it :laugh: :laugh:

I'm not clicking that fucking link, love the first Aghora album (it got three playthroughs just yesterday!) and I'm afraid of Lars-ifying it!

when death or black metal vocalists throw in a random attempt at a King Diamond/Tom Arya "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" falsetto scream.

Quote from: Papa Het on July 22, 2019, 02:30:12 PM
And that gets more interesting when you read these two and look at the dates involved

Tickets in your own name, needing matching ID to get in - fuck off lads, it's a music gig, not a special audience with Belezebub.

This kinda shite is precisely why I don't bother with big gigs any more.

More that they were diverting tickets to a resale site without ever putting them on sale in the first place while simoultaneously appearing to be taking action against that kind of thing. Stinky situation.

Small gigs are the only way to go.

The seemingly widespread delusion that the original production of Rust In Peace was excellent and the remix ruined it.

If you don't like the remix, fair enough.... but the original production job on that album is terrible. There's NO BASS at all. It sounds really tinny.

Also, half of the album is boring filler, but I've gone on about that enough in the past.

There weren't so many issues with the remix per se. It was the re-recorded bits that ruined it.

Extra songs of live stuff/demos/covers tacked on to the end of an album are completely unnecessary. Either keep all that stuff for a compilation, or just throw it up on youtube

7" singles with no speed printed on them

Lazy metal journalism. Any metal riffs not constructed with 3 power chords is dissonant (it's not!). Any DM with a fat buzzy tone is "boss hm-2 abuse". Learn some new fuckin adjectives! Grr.

Quote from: Trev on July 23, 2019, 10:50:34 AM
Extra songs of live stuff/demos/covers tacked on to the end of an album are completely unnecessary. Either keep all that stuff for a compilation, or just throw it up on youtube

Definitely agree. REmastered albums with a load of oul garage workouts drive me nuts tbh. I want to hear the end product and if I want to hear the rest of the stuff it should all be released together as demo tapes or somesuch idea. Metallica.did a lot of that on their singles..demo versions of this and that, pure gimmick. If it was something from the sixties like the Stooges where the song was never actually released, then cool, I'll lap that up all day. But not some big band throwing their rehearsal before recording up as 'a song'.

Quote from: Cosmic_Equilibrium on July 23, 2019, 10:08:42 AM
The seemingly widespread delusion that the original production of Rust In Peace was excellent and the remix ruined it.

If you don't like the remix, fair enough.... but the original production job on that album is terrible. There's NO BASS at all. It sounds really tinny.

Also, half of the album is boring filler, but I've gone on about that enough in the past.
There's lots of bass. The guitars had no low end at all, so Ellefson had a really scooped tone for that album, all lows and highs. There's plenty of low end, but it's all in the bass and bass drums so not a typical sound.

The remix is shit. It's not as bad as the SFSGSW remix which manages to suck all the character out of the album and be worse than the original mix which was pretty crap to begin with, but it's not good at all. The re-recorded sections were fucking shameful. The only remix Mustaine ever had a hand in which was any kind of improvement was the first KIMB remix but, even then, he managed to leave the snare out of Rattlehead.