The original is perfect. If you want production, Youthanasia is the album. Love it

Youthanasia as far as I'm concerned destroys Rust In Peace on every level. Better songwriting, better production and a real grit to it.

Youthanasia is where they and I parted ways. It's MOR Metal for people who don't like metal, trying oh so hard to get radio plays. It has as much grit as sugar-free muesli with almond milk. Granted, they got even less dangerous but it's still about as edgy as a nice back rub.

"Youthasia has real grit" - April Fools is miles away lad.

A great peeve of mine popped up over the weekend - excessive (whether in length or number) interludes. Hadn't spun "Testimony of the Ancients" in ages and yep, fuck almost every second track being a pointless interlude.

First time I had this album it was on CD, so skipping tracks wasn't too painful, but if I'd have bought it on cassette or vinyl I'd have chucked it in the bin.

Youthanasia has tons of grit IMO. That album was made at an extremely bleak time in Mustaine's life - he'd started injecting heroin I think, and one of his mentors that was helping him to get clean had a relapse and died (the song Addicted To Chaos deals with this). He was basically feeling that he couldn't beat his addictions. TBH it's an album made by a man who can see the grave opening before him, and that really gives it an edge.

Anyway, back to peeves  - bands who are really obviously influenced by Pantera but only take the 'tough' and 'macho' aspects of their sound while forgetting that Pantera also had an understanding of dynamics and song structures. A plethora of very dull music has resulted.

#21 July 29, 2019, 03:09:43 AM Last Edit: July 29, 2019, 03:11:15 AM by Carnage
Mustaine was on smack in the mid-'80s.

Youthanasia is laughably bad. It's a pop/metal album, its only saving grace is that it's so obviously a commercal cash grab (as opposed to Countdown To Extinction's failed attempt at integrity) that there was no doubt that Mustaine was having a go at Metallica's chart action, ditching any pretense that they were a metal band at that stage.

He's never been credible since.

Youthanasia is a brilliantly written album. Beautiful solos throughout. No, it's not Rest In Peace, but they had done that and had moved onto something more streamlined and song based..I wouldn't say Pop, but definitely more traditional song structures and lengths being used. When you're Metallica and Megadeth and you've gone as far as you can go with the epic and the massive, then it makes sense that you would try to do something that you've never done before. I love both sides of Megadeth up to and including Cryptic Writings, but of course I can understand how people hate it too...that's a taste thing, but it doesn't say anything about the quality of the album. It's not shit, it oozes class, the idea that they had lost their spark etc just doesn't hold up.

I've never been able to listen to it all the way through. I liked CTE but Youthanasia instantly didn't work for me. Mid-tempo dad rock from a band trying to not be a Metal band. I don't mind change at all, but theirs came about as a sad effort to mimic Metallica. Where before they had pushed extremes, now they were a limp copycat and that came across in the songs. I didn't hear Crptic Writings until years after it came out. I was talking to a lad about starting a band who assured me it was a "return to form". Once I heard that piece of crap that band idea went right out the window. I had the perverse pleasure of seeing their Woodstock performance for the first time recently. Baggy beige chinos and short hair, wishing they weren't called Megadeth with a legacy of some of the finest Metal songs ever written, instead pretending to be a pop band who could show up in an episode of Friends. Nauesating and Youthasia was where it came from. Fuck that album  :laugh:

No, Risk is where that started. They cut their hair down and went all baggy. It's fucking awful to watch in fairness  :laugh:

The crimes of Youthanasia must never be forgotten

While I really like Youthanasia, those photos are atrocious. I can't even decide which one is worse.

That's all fairly metal still..take a look at the Woodstock performance, awfulll.

I actually quite enjoy Youthanasia as it's a toe-tapping radio-friendly rock album.

I don't even think of them as the same band that made RiP.

Youthanasia is a great album imo.