How do. Coroza's debut album "Chaliceburner" is now available to download and stream. For fans of  Sleep, Yob, Mastadon etc

Artwork is by Mat Miller from England who did an amazing job. Recorded, mixed and mastered by Ciaran Culhane of Sharborne fame. Release is through Paranoid Beast Promotions. Hope ye enjoy.

Bandcamp link

Link to full album on you tube

I've listened to that track a few times over the past few days. I'm enjoying it - especially the slow passages. I find the same when I see you lads live, don't get me wrong - I like the up-tempo bits but I think that you guys really find your groove in those slow, sludgy sections.

Looking forward to hearing the rest of it.

Great artwork too. Will it be on a t-shirt?

Cheers for listening. We've a heap of new tracks with lots of slow sections so that'll be there for ya at the next gig you're at.

Ya were delighted with the artwork. Not 100% will that be on a t shirt yet but ya never know.

Spectacular cover alright. G'wan, shtick it on a T-shirt (XXXL😉).

Excellent track that. I'll buy a t-shirt with that art too.

Quote from: Carnage on July 16, 2019, 07:55:56 PM
Spectacular cover alright. G'wan, shtick it on a T-shirt (XXXL😉).

Exactly. Allows for shrinkage or fattenage.

I've had this on again a fair few times over the past week - really good stuff. Hoping for more good things from the rest of the record.

Quote from: StoutAndAle on July 29, 2019, 01:49:39 PM
I've had this on again a fair few times over the past week - really good stuff. Hoping for more good things from the rest of the record.

Cheers! Hopefully you won't be disappointed. We've another track on the album in the 20 minute region as well.

Bumping as the full album is out on sale/streaming/CD today on bandcamp and available to stream on you tube.  Hope ye enjoy.

Fuck the new Tool album, this the one I'm looking forward to. Happilly, I won a copy in a Facebook comp. during the week, looking forward to hearing it.

Quote from: Carnage on August 30, 2019, 04:38:05 PM
Fuck the new Tool album, this the one I'm looking forward to. Happilly, I won a copy in a Facebook comp. during the week, looking forward to hearing it.

Congrats lad. Hope it lives up to your expectation.

This will be played live start to finish tonight, in between sets by  The Last Vinci and Elder Druid, in Fred Zepplins if anyone is around Cork.

Doors at 9. €7 entry.

How do. Link to our album on the relevant streaming websites here

And some live footage from our launch gig the last night for anyone that's interested (it's a camera phone but actually good heft off it.)