This is a strange one,  Tau Cross had a new album coming out next month and Relapse have pulled the album and dropped them from the label  after it was brought to their attention a holocaust denier was credited by Rob Miller in the liner notes for inspiring lyrics on the album.

According to Relapse's statement the other members didn't know about the guy thanked.

Would love to know how you go from being in Amebix to being a holocaust denier.

Quote from: ldj on July 03, 2019, 10:25:40 PM
This is a strange one,  Tau Cross had a new album coming out next month and Relapse have pulled the album and dropped them from the label  after it was brought to their attention a holocaust denier was credited by Rob Miller in the liner notes for inspiring lyrics on the album.

According to Relapse's statement the other members didn't know about the guy thanked.

Would love to know how you go from being in Amebix to being a holocaust denier.

I'd love to know how you go from thanking someone who is an alleged holocaust denier to being a holocaust denier. 

Quote from: Eoin McLove on July 03, 2019, 10:53:41 PM
Quote from: ldj on July 03, 2019, 10:25:40 PM
This is a strange one,  Tau Cross had a new album coming out next month and Relapse have pulled the album and dropped them from the label  after it was brought to their attention a holocaust denier was credited by Rob Miller in the liner notes for inspiring lyrics on the album.

According to Relapse's statement the other members didn't know about the guy thanked.

Would love to know how you go from being in Amebix to being a holocaust denier.

I'd love to know how you go from thanking someone who is an alleged holocaust denier to being a holocaust denier.
Fair enough but I'd find it hard to believe they got dropped just for mentioning him in the liner notes. Will be interesting to see the lyrics should the album ever be released but I imagine they share the deniers views.

According to the Relapse statement that is exactly what happened.

According to their statement the lyrics and themes of the album dabble in the ideology.

It'll be interesting to hear his own version of events.  I really don't like this state of panic that exists whenever musicians or artists step out of line or refuse to conform to what they are told is correct and proper- isn't that usually what makes these creative characters so interesting?? Maybe this is his fuck you to the far left's policing of everyone? I'm assuming that given his own historical leanings that it's not as black and white as the Kim Kelly brigade will make out. I could be wrong and he has recently joined the BNP but it's a bit unlikely.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on July 03, 2019, 11:27:26 PM
I really don't like this state of panic that exists whenever musicians or artists step out of line or refuse to conform to what they are told is correct and proper- isn't that usually what makes these creative characters so interesting??
I agree with you on that I just thought it was interesting (and most of all surprising) considering his background. To be honest the biggest shock reading the headlining was imagining Away from Voivod being involved in something like this  :laugh:.

To be fair usually artists with 'controversial' views or opinions have a history of such, like no one would be surprised if Varg came out as a holocaust denier.

But he hasn't come out with anything other than thanking the guy for inspiration.  Inspiration comes from unlikely places at times and who knows how the guy's work actually influenced his song writing.  It's ludicrous that certain topics are completely off limits.  Art should be boundless and adults should be allowed to decide for themselves what is or isn't appropriate.  The irony of this matter is that it has drawn loads of attention to a writer many people have never previously heard of and will probably cause them to read his book out of curiosity if nothing else.  And then,  of course,  they'll be Nazis  ::)

Quote from: Eoin McLove on July 03, 2019, 11:54:41 PM
But he hasn't come out with anything other than thanking the guy for inspiration.  Inspiration comes from unlikely places at times and who knows how the guy's work actually influenced his song writing.  It's ludicrous that certain topics are completely off limits.  Art should be boundless and adults should be allowed to decide for themselves what is or isn't appropriate.  The irony of this matter is that it has drawn loads of attention to a writer many people have never previously heard of and will probably cause them to read his book out of curiosity if nothing else.  And then,  of course,  they'll be Nazis  ::)

Brilliant!! I totally agree with you on that, but then again in this time and age wouldn't he know better? If Tau Cross supported that ideology I'd say fair play for not giving a fuck to political correctness and including him in the thanks list, but judging by the statement the band posted it seems to me that Rob attempted to let his personal agenda totally jeopardize the album.

Is there access to the lyrics? I'd be surprised if they leaned on that topic from a proselyte perspective.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on July 03, 2019, 11:54:41 PM
The irony of this matter is that it has drawn loads of attention to a writer many people have never previously heard of and will probably cause them to read his book out of curiosity if nothing else.  And then,  of course,  they'll be Nazis  ::)

Exactly that. I'd never heard of him before, and I just ordered Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil to see what all the fuss is about.

Congratulations, you are now a Nazi.  Expect your gigs to be cancelled by Antifa  :laugh:

#11 July 04, 2019, 08:58:24 AM Last Edit: July 04, 2019, 09:09:04 AM by Pentagrimes
News just in: Label that gave us Craig Pillard (an actual holocaust denier), Seth Putnam and Regurgitate suddenly develops conscience. As Cyndi Lauper said, "Money changes everything"

Bit baffled by this. Saw someone on twitter saying there were a couple of other conspiracy theorists thanked as well, and basically the guy's name was just mentioned in the credits along with them, and that the lyrics weren't suss in any way shape or form. But it seems odd that the man himself hasn't made a statement on it, given his past and that of his bandmates. Even as an avowed leftie, I'm unsure if there's more to this than we're currently hearing or if this is just Relapse suddnly panicing because they don't want to lose money in a climate where Political Correctness in metal is an issue. But yeah, the other members being from Voivod, Misery and Provoked ..I mean we're not exactly dealing with an NSBM band here are we?

On a personal note as someone who's always loathed Amebix and is a bit of a vindictive prick, I'd secretly love it to to come out that he's actually a nazi just to see how the punks react.

Oh, just reading the others' band members statement:

"Tau Cross was an outlet for us to experience the love and passion we all have, while staying true to our beliefs and ideals. "

So they're done?

Quote from: Eoin McLove on July 04, 2019, 08:54:26 AM
Congratulations, you are now a Nazi.  Expect your gigs to be cancelled by Antifa  :laugh:

I'm looking forward to the free promotion they provide.

This Gerard Menuhin bloke is the son of none other than Yehudi Menuhin! His mother wasn't jewish though, which technically means he isn't either. Still, a curious affair that just got a little curiouser.