D.R.i. - Live at the Ritz

I bought this on VHS back in the day, was a huge D.R.I. fan. The energy is fucking unreal on it and plenty of violence as the punks and metallers weren't really in love with each other in 87.


Maiden Donington 1992 video. Great performance and more importantly a fantastic mixing job. For some reason the CD mix sounds really unbalanced but the video is perfect.

Yeah, people will bitch and moan about how it isn't eighties Maiden but the band was on their best live form in a decade here and it shows.

Also Heaven and Hell Radio City Music Hall vid, the Priest video from the Screaming For Vengeance tour, Flight 666 and En Vivo!, that Primordial DVD from Dublin 09, the Zep DVD (especially Albert Hall performance), PULSE by Pink Floyd..... all fantastic

Also I can't be bothered to link it but Google Rory Gallagher Montreux Shadow play 1979. IT'S FUCKING GODLIKE.

Also look up Deep Purple Child In Time Granada TV 1970. Best version of that song by far.

There are so many on YouTube tbh

If you want some good Lizzy check out Sydney 1978. Moore is off the fucking chain!

Quote from: Cosmic_Equilibrium on July 28, 2019, 08:44:17 PM
Maiden Donington 1992 video. Great performance and more importantly a fantastic mixing job. For some reason the CD mix sounds really unbalanced but the video is perfect.

Yeah, people will bitch and moan about how it isn't eighties Maiden but the band was on their best live form in a decade here and it shows.

Maiden were on terrible form then and Bruce clearly couldn't be arsed. It was better than the A Real Live... recordings but is not a good live album.

I gather the sound is better on the video than the album, but the performances are lacklustre, no disguising that.

Bruce certainly couldn't be arsed for much of the second leg of the FOTD tour but on the first leg he was fine. Musically the band were much tighter in the early 90s than they had been for a while, Janick really revitalised their stage performance IMO.

Quote from: Cosmic_Equilibrium on July 28, 2019, 08:44:17 PM
Maiden Donington 1992 video.

the band was on their best live form in a decade here and it shows.
There's absolutely no way they were better here than the tours for Powerslave or Piece of Mind or Somewhere in Time or Seventh Son. That was a band at their creative height touring the world.

Donnington 92 was a band that had lost their drive with Smith already gone and Dickinson about to join him. I'd put nearly all their other live releases over it

#27 July 29, 2019, 10:42:16 AM Last Edit: July 29, 2019, 10:46:36 AM by Cosmic_Equilibrium
Sorry, but no. The Powerslave tour pretty much exhausted the band (they were, of course, fantastic live up to that point). They recovered their mojo to some degree, but Dickinson took a while longer. If you study any of the footage or bootlegs from the 1986/87 tour Dickinson is clearly singing at about 60-75% of his power for much of it.

The Seventh Son tour is better in some ways (I quite like Maiden England) but even then there are problems, the band don't sound as tight on some songs, and the Donington 1988 performance was an absolute shitshow - the band are pretty out of kilter and Dickinson is out of tune on everything and singing about an octave lower than he should do.

I will agree that the 1993 shows done after Dickinson had decided to leave are pretty lackluster. But not the 1992 performances. I remember the Helsinki one from that year is excellent judging by what's been released from it, probably the best version of FOTD ever (it turned up on Best Of The Beast).

I have had this discussion many times across various forums, put it simply I think that it's very plain Janick revitalised the band from an energy standpoint in terms of their live show, and comparing the 1992 shows to 1986 underlines this. I honestly think a lot of the people who criticise Maiden's live performances during the 1990-92 period simply haven't actually properly listened to them and have basically allowed the standard narrative of 'duuuuh, Smith good, Gers bad' to fog their perceptions. Not trying to have a go at anyone personally but I honestly think people just don't listen objectively to that era.

The only thing that I can think of which would put people off was the vocal style Dickinson adopted for NPFTD and FOTD which he carried over into the live arena. I personally love that style, it has a nice dark edge to it, but I can understand if it's not to everyone's taste.

Janick brought pub rock to Maiden, and that's unforgiveable. He's a great player, can't deny that, but he's no Adrian Smith and as soon as Smith returned, he became dead weight.

Their '90s material is objectively their worst and those '90s live releases ( is there anything as cringeworthy as Raising Hell?) are seriously subpar. Donington and A Real... have their moments alright but are far from essential.

Donington '88 was fantastic.

I'll agree to disagree on our opinions of the 90s era, but Donington 88 is dreadful... Bruce is just forcing everything and I really think it might be one of the worst Maiden performances ever. I think the occasion got to the band and they had a bit too much to imbibe pre-show.....