June 14, 2019, 11:48:20 AM Last Edit: June 14, 2019, 11:50:26 AM by Hambeast
I was scrolling through my library and came across a Striborg album and decided to check out what he's been up to recently. Has anybody been keeping up to date with Striborg? What the fuck happened there? He's went from making really raw black metal to some kind of godawful electronic shite you'd make after dicking around in eJay or FruityLoops for 5 minutes.

There's a few albums worth of this shit.

Make sure to listen to the 1:10 mark when the vocals kick in!



Jaysus. At least when the guy from WOLD (who's also..er..let's say possibly on the spectrum a little bit much like Mr. Striborg) went electronic it was interesting.

I take it you've seen him in that Noisey documentary about one man black metal?

Turns out the correct stylization of that first song should be "A PsYsTrIbOrGiAn DrEaM"

Yeah, I actually enjoyed that documentary even though it kind of lifted the veil and makes you realise they're just odd little men rather than some kind of grim and satanic force to be reckoned with. Kind of like when you find out wrestling isn't real  :laugh:

Xasthur also went a completely different direction and does acoustic music now, but I don't remember it catching my attention much.

I was in Hobart a few years ago and the day we were leaving we went to an outdoor market.  A little stall selling witchy trinkets caught my eye and when I went in I noticed a load of Striborg merch toward the back.  I went to investigate thinking I might have struck it lucky and find a little BM gold mine but it was all Striborg stuff.  Then I noticed the little hobbit sitting at the back of his van and realised it was the dude himself.  I got a flashback of him howling in a cave while wearing a cape and almost pissed myself.  I had to leg it!

enjoyed the OMM doc alright, but christ that is awlful !

That OMM doc put me right off ever checking Striborg out and yer man defo came off the worst larping about in his little cape. Couldnt be arsed checking out those links to his electronic stuff either but can anyone recommend a good BM style Striborg album to start with?

Just checked out his youtube channel.  I think I'm done with the internet for today.


 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: cant stop laughing, what the fuck is he at. its like a goth DJ Spin Master from Fr Ted!

Quote from: Eoin McLove on June 14, 2019, 12:25:34 PM
I was in Hobart a few years ago and the day we were leaving we went to an outdoor market.  A little stall selling witchy trinkets caught my eye and when I went in I noticed a load of Striborg merch toward the back.  I went to investigate thinking I might have struck it lucky and find a little BM gold mine but it was all Striborg stuff.  Then I noticed the little hobbit sitting at the back of his van and realised it was the dude himself.  I got a flashback of him howling in a cave while wearing a cape and almost pissed myself.  I had to leg it!

Cool little tale!
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes