Gave this documentary a watch there the other day. This thing is an absolute roller coaster of twists and turns, needless to say aul Bobby Liebling is one hell of a drugged up mess, an absolute man-child. Still there's a bit of redemption at the end... although I heard he's been sent to prison since. It's a shame, there's some great music buried underneath all that drama

The doc is well worth a watch

Didn't know it was on YouTube.  I'll give it a look,  cheers.

I was only recommending this to someone the other day. Very good documentary, shame how much of a mess Liebling is though.

Very Good documentary - awful sad but I have reservations with the young one he was supposed to be with in the film! I wonder was she inserted to spruce the story up a bit?

Quote from: Bogmetaller on May 15, 2019, 07:44:11 PM
Very Good documentary - awful sad but I have reservations with the young one he was supposed to be with in the film! I wonder was she inserted to spruce the story up a bit?

I don't think she was inserted into the film. Some questionable motives though...

Depressing as fuck but an excellent documentary alright.

A band that kinda passed me by for one reason or another must check em out in more detail, any recommendations on which album to start with? Well worth the watch anyway, whether familiar with the band or not. A fair transformation when he moved out of the parents gaff, though I wouldn't trust that bird as far as I could throw her, haha.

Be Forewarned is a deadly album.  That song and Vampire Love are unreal.

#8 May 18, 2019, 09:49:21 PM Last Edit: May 18, 2019, 09:56:25 PM by Trev
Just finished watching, pretty harsh but very well made. You do feel they really could have been huge if a few things went their way, or they didn't fuck up their chances 

Anyone know what happened with his manager after the film? Seemed like a decent fella but I was reading an interview with Liebling from a few years back saying all his friends left him. Guess there was only so much of his shit they could put up with

Quote from: Mr Moonlight on May 18, 2019, 07:52:29 PM
A band that kinda passed me by for one reason or another must check em out in more detail, any recommendations on which album to start with? Well worth the watch anyway, whether familiar with the band or not. A fair transformation when he moved out of the parents gaff, though I wouldn't trust that bird as far as I could throw her, haha.

You won't go wrong with Relentless,  Day of Reckoning and Be Forewarned.  Show 'em how, Review your choices and Sub basement are worth looking into next. First daze here and First daze here too are interesting records with the original line-up's recordings. They even used songs from these recordings on their last album.

#11 May 20, 2019, 10:23:33 AM Last Edit: May 20, 2019, 10:26:49 AM by CaptainFlint
They had bags of potential back in the bands heyday. Relentless is a cracking debut album, and Liebling was genuinely a force to be reckoned with on stage. It really does seem like fate just wasn't that kind to them and they never got that big break they needed. That said he really half fucked it up for himself with that lifestyle.

I honestly don't know how his parents put up with him living the way he was. At the start of the doc he looks older than they do  :laugh:

I started to watch that film a few years ago and then got distracted. Forgot to watch the end of it. I'll take another look. Although I think it'd be hard to watch it retrospectively knowing that Bobby Liebling went to prison for neglecting and abusing his parent(s) who, in the film at least, appear to have done nothing but supported him and put up with his bullshit.

Is his girlfriend in the documentary the same one that ended up leaving him a while back? She's about 40 years younger than him and seems very... damaged?

It is a film about damaged people. I don't think knowing Bobby went to prison for abuse will make it more difficult to watch; it's just another facet of the damage. I mean, it's hard enough to watch as it is.

I found it too hard to watch and I gave up after a few minutes.  But that was because the sound kept on cutting out.  Very,  very hard to sit through that level of damage.
