
Reminds me of a time years ago I was on a road job with a lad, he was on the digger and I was on a dumper.
I came back after dumping a load and he runs up to me with a wild look in his eyes, "Have you the emergency number for the ESB" he shouts.
"Oh fuck", says I, "what happened?"
"There's a blackout!" says he, pointing to an African fella across the road.

#124 January 12, 2025, 10:38:22 AM Last Edit: January 12, 2025, 10:44:59 AM by astfgyl
Quote from: son of the Morrigan on January 12, 2025, 02:18:50 AM:laugh:

Reminds me of a time years ago I was on a road job with a lad, he was on the digger and I was on a dumper.
I came back after dumping a load and he runs up to me with a wild look in his eyes, "Have you the emergency number for the ESB" he shouts.
"Oh fuck", says I, "what happened?"
"There's a blackout!" says he, pointing to an African fella across the road.

Reminds me of a theme back in the day when someone would see the odd black lad and say "it's getting awful dark out". I sort of miss the bit of casual racism tbh.

Edit: and Jimmy:

The first black lad in town was called Jimmy (it was actually Olatunde, but Irish lads can't handle that (just think of your local chink restaurateur being called John or Micheal for evidence of same) so Jimmy it had to be) so whenever I was heading through another town and I'd see a Darkie, I'd be like "ah look, there's Jimmy... Well Jimmy". And it wasn't Jimmy's fault, Jimmy was sound as a brown trout (lol, that's a bit like saying the local queers are sound as rainbow trout, but it was actually unintentional)

Simpler, more racist times

Wtf lads fuck off

A friend was diagnosed as mute today....

....Certainly kept that one quiet.

Jaysus that wind the other day was strong enough to blow a knacker off his sister