Actually, show that to anyone who isn't - for whatever reason - an apologist of such things, and that's precisely what the average person would tell you his message there was, no?

I've seen them live, it was great, they're a fucking great band. But KK is a fucking idiot.

#76 April 25, 2019, 12:50:56 PM Last Edit: April 25, 2019, 01:03:55 PM by Eoin McLove
You yourself have been a metal head for most of your existence and have been to many underground metal gigs.  Have you experienced this so called right wing rallying of the troops at any of those events? I've been going to metal gigs for 27 years,  I've yet to witness it.  Have I heard some moronic stage banter? Very occasionally.  Has it ever resulted in the crowd putting their pints down and lynching any person or any group? Not even once.  A gig is a gig.  Some musicians are wise,  some are dense fucks.  Either way,  bar inciting a bit of headbanging I've yet to witness any sort of revolution.  Sure I've been to many punk gigs that are far more evangelical in their message,  and I've never witnessed them dropping their pints and going out to burn down McDonalds or whatever... a gig is a gig. 

I get and agree with all that. And I know that antifa-style tactics were behind the publishing of the article and the spreading of the video. I'm just saying that, now that the video is out there, you can't be surprised at venues stepping away from an association with it in this day and age.

Anyway, I'm sure the man himself will have some well-considered words to share on the matter soon enough.

QuoteValhalla Touring's Ben Mulchin​ said he made the decision to cancel the band's New Zealand shows last week. His Australian counterpart, tour promoter Soundworks, confirmed their Australasian tour was cancelled on Wednesday.

Mulchin​ said when he saw the video of Warslut, he knew he had to cancel the tour. "It was not good timing."

But, he said he would host the band again. The video that ended the tour was filmed in 2012, and Valhalla Touring hosted the band in 2016.

When they were last here, Mulchin​ said he spent a few days with the band and thought Warslut was not racist but was "an egg".

"He's a bit of an egg when he's drunk. He's an egg most of the time, actually. I don't think he's a racist, but he has said racist things," the promoter said.

Asked if he would host the band again, Mulchin​ said he would consider bringing them back but not within the next few years.

"The frontman has done a series of interviews saying he doesn't have hate for anyone but he is labelled and has said some dumb things," he said.


I'm standing up for him.  A bit. But not really.  But I am.  Kind of.... Fuck sake.  Spine up,  Kunt!!!

So KK is an "egg", so what? If you take offense or disagree with his words thats cool, don't support the band. Why don't they discuss their issues like grown ups instead of throwing their toys out of the pram? De-platforming anyone whos opinions you disagree with is moronic and as immature as anything Warslut has uttered.

Quote from: Weltenfeind on April 25, 2019, 01:22:42 PM
De-platforming anyone whos opinions you disagree with is moronic and as immature as anything Warslut has uttered.

Absolutely agree with you. Unfortunately, that just places them at an immaturity stalemate though.

I was at that DeathKult gig and remember that bit of a rant really well. Precisely because it stood out, wasn't normal, wasn't a routine part of some imaginary right wing rally. Sure there were a few drunken roars from the crowd, same as any response to mid set shite talk but I remember thinking the band/Shrapnel looked a little bit uneasy during it. I've not watched the video since so could be wrong.

Ultimate point being the same as Mclove- that kind of thing is an anomaly and not part of a routine rightwingblackmetal rally. 😂

At what point will he be deemed to have paid for his crime? What is the appropriate sentence for his transgression? Is seven years not long enough?

Mgla gig in Munich the latest to be cancelled. Accusations against them seem to be based on their having releases on Northern Heritage, and M having put out a song called judenfrei on a leichenhalle release from nearly 20 years ago. Deus Mortem were meant to be support and it's their links to Infernal War, Thunderbolt and Honour that seem to be soiling some undies. Bah!

Bölzer are going to headline the D666 shows it seems. Hopefully nobody googles them. I know the tattoo controversy is well trodden ground at this point but it may be news to some of these gig cancelling types.

Quote from: Scáthach on April 28, 2019, 01:21:28 AM
Mgla gig in Munich the latest to be cancelled. Accusations against them seem to be based on their having releases on Northern Heritage, and M having put out a song called judenfrei on a leichenhalle release from nearly 20 years ago. Deus Mortem were meant to be support and it's their links to Infernal War, Thunderbolt and Honour that seem to be soiling some undies. Bah!

Berlin gig cancelled too.  This shit is getting out of hand. Vague accusations from anonymous sources are costing bands. It's not like most underground metal bands make a fortune either. At least KK actually said something to upset whiny fuckers, not that I agree with the D666 cancellation either. The associations they try to make to Nazi or other activity are pretty farcical at best. If you showed these lunatics an ink blot they would see a swastika and wreck the doctors office. Sad that in this day and age everyone has to run at the pace of the slowest kid in the class. The most sensitive, warped or dim control the pace.

Yeah, Berlin was cancelled with 5 hours notice. Apparently bands and crews had already arrived at the venue. This guilt by association crap is a bit rich, especially in Germany. And yeah a bit of anonymous badly researched mud slinging seems to be all it takes, absolute nonsense. Can we just go back to punks and metallers tearing strips out of each other outside gigs. Much more civilised.

I'm all for that lol. Hell I'd probably go to more shows. It seems Mgla are going to set a solicitor on all the publications who disseminated this shit. Excellent response.

Quote from: hellfire on April 28, 2019, 08:45:19 PM
I'm all for that lol. Hell I'd probably go to more shows. It seems Mgla are going to set a solicitor on all the publications who disseminated this shit. Excellent response.

Yeah, saw that. Good on them.

Always a good time to remember how a true "left" intellectual would tackle such things;