Quote from: The Heretic on September 06, 2024, 11:14:30 AMHow come Belfast can create this?


And we are still stuck with that shithole Busáras...

The best comment I have heard about this "How much is it going to cost to keep all that glass clean?"

It's s nice shiny glass building for basically the train in two directions would rather stand in the pissing rain for a real rail service that let me go to more than 1 town

Quote from: nukeabuse on September 06, 2024, 10:34:03 PMIt's s nice shiny glass building for basically the train in two directions would rather stand in the pissing rain for a real rail service that let me go to more than 1 town

Ah come on don't ruin the good vibes that come with the same basic infrastructure as before

Quote from: astfgyl on September 06, 2024, 09:04:06 PMNothing only bad memories of busaras. It should be outlawed to say it's grand, like holocaust denial or such like

Seeing as its the random thoughts thread, and seeing as ya bought it up.-
Is it o.k. to carry out research on the holocaust?
And say if ya did carry out research on the holocaust and found some of the accepted details to be questionable, would it be o.k. to discuss your findings, or would that be holocaust denial.
Hypothetically speaking.

Quote from: son of the Morrigan on September 06, 2024, 11:49:52 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on September 06, 2024, 09:04:06 PMNothing only bad memories of busaras. It should be outlawed to say it's grand, like holocaust denial or such like

Seeing as its the random thoughts thread, and seeing as ya bought it up.-
Is it o.k. to carry out research on the holocaust?
And say if ya did carry out research on the holocaust and found some of the accepted details to be questionable, would it be o.k. to discuss your findings, or would that be holocaust denial.
Hypothetically speaking.

Ah it's absolutely questionable as I see it. I don't think that there wasn't a concerted effort by the nazis to fuck up the Jews and I think what happened in the camps even if it's less than what was said is still the actual worst possible thing ever but matched by every other imperial power ever through all of history. The thoughts of a single child being starved to death on purpose even without the gassing of many is just abhorrent to me on every level.

I finally understood how it could happen during the covid years and it really affected me bad seeing how others would sacrifice me and my family for non compliance. As long as everyone was in the inside looking out at me, eh?

I'd say I'll never be the same again tbh.

And still, saying all that, I think the holocaust might be different than the books but any bit of it at all is bad enough.

Next up is the whites anyway so we'll get to find out soon enough

Quote from: astfgyl on September 06, 2024, 11:59:48 PM
Quote from: son of the Morrigan on September 06, 2024, 11:49:52 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on September 06, 2024, 09:04:06 PMNothing only bad memories of busaras. It should be outlawed to say it's grand, like holocaust denial or such like

Seeing as its the random thoughts thread, and seeing as ya bought it up.-
Is it o.k. to carry out research on the holocaust?
And say if ya did carry out research on the holocaust and found some of the accepted details to be questionable, would it be o.k. to discuss your findings, or would that be holocaust denial.
Hypothetically speaking.

Ah it's absolutely questionable as I see it. I don't think that there wasn't a concerted effort by the nazis to fuck up the Jews and I think what happened in the camps even if it's less than what was said is still the actual worst possible thing ever but matched by every other imperial power ever through all of history. The thoughts of a single child being starved to death on purpose even without the gassing of many is just abhorrent to me on every level.

I finally understood how it could happen during the covid years and it really affected me bad seeing how others would sacrifice me and my family for non compliance. As long as everyone was in the inside looking out at me, eh?

I'd say I'll never be the same again tbh.

And still, saying all that, I think the holocaust might be different than the books but any bit of it at all is bad enough.

Next up is the whites anyway so we'll get to find out soon enough

The covid nonsense was an eye opener for many, in many ways.
It was a study in mass hysteria and heard mentality.
The history books will note that it killed 5 million and that the safe and effective miracle vaccines saved 100 million lives, and woe betide anyone who may question it.
I'd agree with ya re. the Holocaust. hypothetically speaking if it was 300,000 instead of 6,000,000 its still horrific, and hypothetically speaking if 150,000 perished of typhus as opposed to gassing its still awful, and if the other 150,000 died due to starvation caused by allied bombing of the supply lines, its still horrific.

Not sure about the white genocide craic.

Quote from: son of the Morrigan on September 07, 2024, 12:22:24 AM
Quote from: astfgyl on September 06, 2024, 11:59:48 PM
Quote from: son of the Morrigan on September 06, 2024, 11:49:52 PM
Quote from: astfgyl on September 06, 2024, 09:04:06 PMNothing only bad memories of busaras. It should be outlawed to say it's grand, like holocaust denial or such like

Seeing as its the random thoughts thread, and seeing as ya bought it up.-
Is it o.k. to carry out research on the holocaust?
And say if ya did carry out research on the holocaust and found some of the accepted details to be questionable, would it be o.k. to discuss your findings, or would that be holocaust denial.
Hypothetically speaking.

Ah it's absolutely questionable as I see it. I don't think that there wasn't a concerted effort by the nazis to fuck up the Jews and I think what happened in the camps even if it's less than what was said is still the actual worst possible thing ever but matched by every other imperial power ever through all of history. The thoughts of a single child being starved to death on purpose even without the gassing of many is just abhorrent to me on every level.

I finally understood how it could happen during the covid years and it really affected me bad seeing how others would sacrifice me and my family for non compliance. As long as everyone was in the inside looking out at me, eh?

I'd say I'll never be the same again tbh.

And still, saying all that, I think the holocaust might be different than the books but any bit of it at all is bad enough.

Next up is the whites anyway so we'll get to find out soon enough

The covid nonsense was an eye opener for many, in many ways.
It was a study in mass hysteria and heard mentality.
The history books will note that it killed 5 million and that the safe and effective miracle vaccines saved 100 million lives, and woe betide anyone who may question it.
I'd agree with ya re. the Holocaust. hypothetically speaking if it was 300,000 instead of 6,000,000 its still horrific, and hypothetically speaking if 150,000 perished of typhus as opposed to gassing its still awful, and if the other 150,000 died due to starvation caused by allied bombing of the supply lines, its still horrific.

Not sure about the white genocide craic.

I'm not personally buying the white genocide angle myself I was just trying to be funny there. White people are the only race people can apply the old ethnic criticism to without fear of reprisal though, that's definitely a real thing

Quotehypothetically speaking if it was 300,000 instead of 6,000,000 its still horrific, and hypothetically speaking if 150,000 perished of typhus as opposed to gassing its still awful, and if the other 150,000 died due to starvation caused by allied bombing of the supply lines, its still horrific

Gee, I wonder what kind of sources not only reduce the death toll to 300,000 but also go a step further and wash the Nazis' hands of any direct role in those deaths!

Here are Hitler's own words from January 1942, i.e. the point in the war where the Final Solution (to getting the Jews out of Europe) was enacted:

QuoteOne must act radically. When one pulls out a tooth, one does it with a single tug, and the pain quickly goes away. The Jew must clear out of Europe. Otherwise no understanding will be possible between Europeans. It's the Jew who prevents everything. When I think about it, I realise that I'm extraordinarily humane. [...] For my part, I restrict myself to telling them they must go away.  If they break their pipes on the journey, I can't do anything about it. But if they refuse to go voluntarily, I see no other solution but extermination. Why should I look at a Jew through other eyes than if he were a Russian prisoner-of-war? In the p.o.w. camps, many are dying. It's not my fault. I didn't want either the war or the p.o.w. camps. Why did the Jew provoke this war?

A good three hundred or four hundred years will go by before the Jews set foot again in Europe.


Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on September 08, 2024, 01:26:55 AM
Quotehypothetically speaking if it was 300,000 instead of 6,000,000 its still horrific, and hypothetically speaking if 150,000 perished of typhus as opposed to gassing its still awful, and if the other 150,000 died due to starvation caused by allied bombing of the supply lines, its still horrific

Gee, I wonder what kind of sources not only reduce the death toll to 300,000 but also go a step further and wash the Nazis' hands of any direct role in those deaths!

Here are Hitler's own words from January 1942, i.e. the point in the war where the Final Solution (to getting the Jews out of Europe) was enacted:

QuoteOne must act radically. When one pulls out a tooth, one does it with a single tug, and the pain quickly goes away. The Jew must clear out of Europe. Otherwise no understanding will be possible between Europeans. It's the Jew who prevents everything. When I think about it, I realise that I'm extraordinarily humane. [...] For my part, I restrict myself to telling them they must go away.  If they break their pipes on the journey, I can't do anything about it. But if they refuse to go voluntarily, I see no other solution but extermination. Why should I look at a Jew through other eyes than if he were a Russian prisoner-of-war? In the p.o.w. camps, many are dying. It's not my fault. I didn't want either the war or the p.o.w. camps. Why did the Jew provoke this war?

A good three hundred or four hundred years will go by before the Jews set foot again in Europe.


I was speaking hypothetically.
Don't make the mistake of confusing what politicians say with what politicians do though.

Take a break from the internet, lad, FFS. The shite you're digesting is not doing you any good at all.

QuoteDon't make the mistake of confusing what politicians say with what politicians do though.


We're not talking about a local Teachta Dála saying on the campaign trail that they'll fill the potholes.

Gaping to replace break-dancing at the 2028 Olympics.

Quote from: Black Shepherd Carnage on September 08, 2024, 10:18:08 AM
QuoteDon't make the mistake of confusing what politicians say with what politicians do though.


We're not talking about a local Teachta Dála saying on the campaign trail that they'll fill the potholes.

No. We certainly are not.
Look man, The point I was trying to make, probably somewhat ham-fistedly, is that the holocaust should be as open to discussion and investigation as any other historical event.
Labelling anyone who Questions any part of the official narrative as a "Holocaust denier" is abhorrent to frank and open historical research and discussion.
The second world war is something I'm very interested in, and as anyone with an interest in anything should do, I've attempted to look at it from all angles and the viewpoint of both sides.
I am by no means some kind of Nazi fanboy.
The truth of the matter, as with most things in life, lies somewhere in the grey areas between the extremes, the extremes in this case being 6,000,000 and 300,000.

Quote from: Bürggermeister on September 08, 2024, 07:47:58 AMTake a break from the internet, lad, FFS. The shite you're digesting is not doing you any good at all.

Answered above.

Digesting shite is dangerous, but one must taste it before they can discern whether it is shite or not.
I guarantee there isn't a lad on here that spends less time on the fucking internet than me by the way.

Quote from: son of the Morrigan on September 08, 2024, 12:33:02 PMLabelling anyone who Questions any part of the official narrative as a "Holocaust denier" is abhorrent to frank and open historical research and discussion.

Okay in principle, but the 300,000 figure, along with the explanation you gave for it, is literally wholesale flat-out denial of the events referred to as the holocaust of the Jews. There is no more fitting label for that "hypothesis" than "holocaust denial."

Quote from: son of the Morrigan on September 08, 2024, 12:33:02 PMThe truth of the matter, as with most things in life, lies somewhere in the grey areas between the extremes, the extremes in this case being 6,000,000 and 300,000.

The "truth of the matter" has no more to do with the 300,000 figure than the reality of the solar system has to do with the "hypothetical" notion that the earth is a flat disc being carried through space on the back of four elephants and a giant turtle. The 6,000,000 figure is itself debatable and debated though.

Also you may have misconstrued the context of the Hitler quote above when you said not to mistake what "politicians" say with what they do: it wasn't from a rally speech but a meeting with a tight circle of confidants, including Himmler himself (aka the Reichsführer-SS mastermind of the industrialized Final Solution, who ordered construction of the death factories in late 1941 through early 1942):