Knowing there's a plan in place bodes well. But is there enough material there for 5 seasons? I've only read one or two novellas outside of the main series so I know little about House of the Dragon. Might be all the better for that.

All I've read outside of the main books are the Dunk and Egg stories. I was thinking if there's 4-5 seasons and a short book that maybe they'll get to properly flesh everything out like they couldn't do with GoT, but then I thought of the 3 Hobbit films coming from the one rather short book and I dunno how good of a thing that is

I was late to GoT and ended up loving it until season 5, when I was left wanting. Starting the books and they're great, all the good of the show and more. Hoping to have them done by the time Winds comes out.

As for the new show, I'll give it a go, got Fire and Blood (book) recently as a gift too.

I thought it was pretty underwhelming TBH. Tedious plot, Matt Smith sulking and dodgy CGI. Just the first episode but that's not the time to be hoping for a drastic improvement.

After a decent variation on it appearing in the first ep, pretty surprised they made the decision to revert to exactly the same theme music for the opening credits in ep 2. Otherwise, another good one, still lots of nice attention going to crafting interesting dialogue.

Found it very predictable TBH, who turned on who, who turned up where, etc. Poor start.

Actually grand to have the fire lighting, can in hand, pipe smoked, kids gone to bed, dark outside and this coming on the telly.

If I try not to think about it too much, it almost feels normal. I'd better have another pipe

Thought that was a great episode. Didn't realise it was going to move on the way it did at all. Benefits of not having a clue about the book I guess. Bit scaldy not seeing how he ended up in half but yeah I enjoyed that.

Waiting for the proper treachery to kick in yet though.

God, I thought it was an awfully dull episode and the worst battle I can recall from the whole franchise. The crab dude with the mask was given precisely zero fleshing out as a character over the 3 eps. And now he's dead. Grand. What next? And the head on yer man Laenor; long white dreads on the others, him with some kind of bleached Cleopatra look.

You mean the white lad in the middle of the black lads? What was the issue with the battle, did it not serve its purpose in advancing the story or was it the choreography that fucked you up? Personally, I like to be entertained with my entertainment and it's not as if it's the season finale or anything. it's on here again on sky I'm going to give it another look. Hey at least it wasn't several seasons of white walkers I'm happier with the crab cunts to be done handy

Actually enjoyed that episode. Whoever did the music for the battle scene needs to be shot. Then checked that they are actually dead. It was so bad.