After the well-received "Netherstorm" debut album last year, it strikes me a bit that yer man is already presenting such a solid material.

Whoever is into Limbonic Art or early Emperor should definitely check this Finnish one-man-band out. "Reign in Supreme Darkness" is out on the 26th this month on Werewolf Records.

I listened to a bit of Netherworld last year and enjoyed it without buying it in the end. It's definitely a style I like listening to but I'm having a bit of a personal problem these days accepting bands like this with so obvious a 90's BM aesthetic. Song titles, album cover, corpse paint image..... I find it hard to take seriously and find myself questioning its artistic merit. It was simpler when I was younger and just accepted it and turned a blind eye 😩. The Finns are definitely responsible for a vibrant BM scene these days and a lot of great output but they seem equally guilty of a lack of taste or finesse when it comes to the aesthetic side of BM.

I'm probably overthinking things 😂

#2 April 10, 2019, 02:12:02 PM Last Edit: April 10, 2019, 03:31:21 PM by Eoin McLove
Same as that.  I liked what I heard but never bought it.  Dunno there's just so much of everything now that it's all losing its shine.

Edit: and that's only checking NWN!!

I can relate to that myself...I was put a bit off just by looking at yer man's picture, but musically it's brilliant. Personally I think there's nothing Finnish to Vargrav's sound though, it's absolutely Norwegian-oriented.

I have been quite unimpressed with most black metal acts lately but time and again there's always something that grabs my attention.

Quote from: O Drighes on April 09, 2019, 04:16:27 PM
After the well-received "Netherstorm" debut album last year, it strikes me a bit that yer man is already presenting such a solid material.

Whoever is into Limbonic Art or early Emperor should definitely check this Finnish one-man-band out. "Reign in Supreme Darkness" is out on the 26th this month on Werewolf Records.

This is news to me and great news at that. 'Netherstorm' is a really striking album.

Just finished up with this album. If you seek your soul you can find it. Thoroughly enjoyed it, even more so than Netherstorm, which I have on at the moment.

It's mad how it's pure Emperor worship, and done fucking better... Synths are fucking fantastic, riffs all around the place, vocals are top notch. Really solid release