Has something changed with lighting at gigs recently? Pretty much every gig I've been to this year has had annoyingly bright lighting, to the extent where I find myself having to close my eyes or look away.

Voodoo in Belfast always seems to have mega high powered floodlights pointing right into the crowd which is blinding. On Saturday in the Limelight I found myself looking at the floor a good bit of the sets because there was insanely intense strobe lighting. I think Primordial had to shout at the lighting guy at one point because it was too much.

Is everywhere kitting out with some kind of new powerful LED lighting or am I just getting old and grumpy?

Strobes are very fucking irritating, particularly when they're pointed directly at eye-level into the crowd. Lights are cheaper than they ever were, perhaps it's a case of plentiful supply having a detrimental effect on the concept of lighting design and taste? In the absense of skill, just point lights at everything and hammer away at the many, many switches,

I think  you're onto something there. Even a dim light pointed directly at eye level is going to be irritating. Now that I think about it, I don't think there was a smoke machine either, so there would be nothing to diffuse it, and you're just getting lights beamed directly into your eyes

#3 March 11, 2019, 05:27:11 PM Last Edit: December 05, 2019, 11:09:32 PM by stevie-0