How to deal with controversial threads going forward?

Keep everything as it is
12 (80%)
Heavier moderation
2 (13.3%)
A new area for political topics
1 (6.7%)
Total ban on political topics
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 15

#15 January 31, 2025, 03:53:34 PM Last Edit: January 31, 2025, 03:56:14 PM by Bürggermeister

I think the tone is generally a lot better than it was (the trump/covid era in particular was a total shitshow for the site) and the debate in the threads mentioned is genuinely interesting, but the name-calling is just pathetic and it turns the threads to shit for the next while. When it went out of control previously, the site was genuinely unpleasant to visit. There aren't that many of us on here, it's a fairly niche corner of the internet these days, so operating above the level of a petulant child shouldn't be so problematic given the common interest which draws us here in the first place.

Quote from: Maggot Colony on January 31, 2025, 11:49:23 AMPerhaps Chris should change his avatar to Marty McFly, or Caoimhin could change his avatar to a Star Trek villain like Khan or Q just to keep things consistent. Another option would be to start afresh as He-Man and Skeletor, or Captain Planet and Hoggish Greedly. Thanks.

I aim to please.

Albeit with absolutely minimum effort  :laugh:

Just relegate Caomhaoin to his own echo chamber shit pit sub ala KurtCocaine

Jaysus I forgot about Kurt. Is he still knocking around?

He's literally been banished to his own sub asylum  :laugh:  :laugh:

I still feel bad for Kurt about that one tbh but regarding the political/offense threads, I think people could just ignore them if they liked (though I'm one of the worst offenders for being in on those tbf) but I don't see the need to moderate them any more heavily unless people start getting genuinely personal, or the absolute deal breaker for me of any forum, which is spilling it over into real life threats etc.

Doing a great job, leaving the place pretty much alone, hambeast.

Browser/ sometime contributor here.

Politics has no place on a music forum I feel, keep it to yourselves. Politics bores me and divides people in general. Just my opinion.

Quote from: astfgyl on February 10, 2025, 09:29:46 AMI don't see the need to moderate them any more heavily unless people start getting genuinely personal, or the absolute deal breaker for me of any forum, which is spilling it over into real life threats etc.

Was it not you that got deaths threats on here a while back or someone wished death on you over something you posted in one of the political threads?

Personally I would be up for getting rid of politics on the forum as mentioned above me it has no place on a music forum. I have been doing my best to stay away from it over the last while but you still have those weak moments. No point in trying to debate with certain people who think they know it all and refuse to see any other point of view.

Debate is all well and good but the Trump thread for example has just turned into a few people who seem to have too much time on their hands trying to one up each other on whatever articles they can post from obscure websites to show how bad the orange man is no actual debate is taking place.

No I don't think anyone made any threats like that against me on here it must be somebody else you're thinking of. Like lads can say all the funny shit they want to me on here and I wouldn't care because it's only forum stuff and hardly anyone here ever met me in real life so no I'm fairly certain that wasn't anyone saying that sort of lark to me and I definitely didn't say that to anyone either. Dunno I think something happened like that with mugz and he got the hammer although that wasn't anything to do with me either and I didn't mind him either at all but iirc there was something like that there but again it's ages ago and fairly hazy. I generally enjoy the cut and thrust of a good forum argument and don't take them personally

Probably someone posting this in Now Playing:

Pretty sure the death wish was from the covid thread. Somebody got emotional over Astfgyl's covid views and wished a covid death upon him. Then they fucked off for a few months, copped themselves on and became a regular poster again  :abbath:

As for politics having no place on a music forum, well it's in the Off Topic section, which literally means anything that is not necessarily metal or music related. We all know which threads are the political shit shows, and we don't have to click into them if we don't want to.

#28 February 10, 2025, 09:55:56 PM Last Edit: February 10, 2025, 09:59:34 PM by mickO)))
Quote from: astfgyl on February 10, 2025, 07:28:45 PMNo I don't think anyone made any threats like that against me on here it must be somebody else you're thinking of. Like lads can say all the funny shit they want to me on here and I wouldn't care because it's only forum stuff and hardly anyone here ever met me in real life so no I'm fairly certain that wasn't anyone saying that sort of lark to me and I definitely didn't say that to anyone either. Dunno I think something happened like that with mugz and he got the hammer although that wasn't anything to do with me either and I didn't mind him either at all but iirc there was something like that there but again it's ages ago and fairly hazy. I generally enjoy the cut and thrust of a good forum argument and don't take them personally

It was you I remember you also did the forgive and forget a while later when the person came back to the forum. Yes Giggles is right I got mixed up it was in the Covid thread.

Ah there was nothing to forgive there from my end. Covid made a lot of people emotional, including myself. I do remember that but absolute water under the bridge and tis a fella I'm fond of on here anyway and have great time for chatting about music with