January 29, 2019, 11:09:48 AM Last Edit: January 29, 2019, 11:18:26 AM by Blizzard Beast
Stumbled across this gem the other day and it was amazing the coincidence that they sorted the guitar sound just in time which slotted in perfectly with the song before the vocals kicked in for this legendary gig.

was lucky enough to catch them on this tour. when they released the Rebirth of dissection DVD it was one of the only music dvds I watched for years.

Havent watched it in ages must throw it on! 

Same,I managed to get to their first gig since Jon's release in 2004 and also at Hellfest in 2005, Unreal band.

Saw them in Dublin that time they came. Notveidt was incredible musically, vocally, strage presence-wise, far ahead of the other 3 lads. He had the kind of quality that you would see in the likes of Hetfield, dominating every aspect of the performance, which is not a common thing.

It was a great gig but I think I'd have loved to have seen them at their peak. The drummer was a bit too tippy tappy for my liking, drum mics lashed up thru the roof and tapping away. I have no idea what the original drummer looked like or played like live but I would have loved to have seen the drums pounded into the ground. The older drummer seems decent enough in this video, though again, the lads hardly exude much, Notdveidt again just sheer class:


Funny how close to At the Gates that tune sounds to me now. Very similar notes and tones to stuff off of Terminal Spirit Disease for example. An awful waste of a huge, massive talent. I lived on those first 2 albums for years, some of the greatest metal ever put to tape. Again, what a bloody waste. He was phenomenal in Dublin that time, the energy coming off the stage from him was electric.

Ole Ohman played on the earlier albums.I actually liked Tobias's drumming also on the 1997 on the Gods of darkness tour. The new drummer still did ok on the rebirth gigs though.

Agreed,a huge loss to the scene,his guitar playing as well as vocals on the albums and live were always class.Hard to believe he's gone 12 years.

Yeah. Except then you remember hes a murderer. So fine as his music was, fuck him.

Quote from: Pentagrimes on January 29, 2019, 08:49:42 PM
Yeah. Except then you remember hes a murderer. So fine as his music was, fuck him.

they were playing at wacken one year i was there and i just couldnt have been fucked watching them because of that. really tainted what he did musically.
same with that other scumbag faust i think his name is. drummer from emperor. i remember seeing people i know getting photos taken with him at some gig and i everyone was commenting on it saying how class it must have been to meet him. eejits.

Quote from: Pentagrimes on January 29, 2019, 08:49:42 PM
Yeah. Except then you remember hes a murderer. So fine as his music was, fuck him.

Yeah....funny this came into my mind recently for some reason. I saw them at that gig in the Village, thought they were immense and would consider it one of my all time fav gigs. Would I go now though? Not sure.

Similar thoughts re seeing Swans live again. I know nothing was proved re the rape claim but reading Gira's statement on it does not put him in a flattering light. And yet live they are untouchable. 

#9 January 29, 2019, 09:29:20 PM Last Edit: January 29, 2019, 09:39:19 PM by Paul keohane
One of my all time favourite gigs that one,incredible.

It's a fair response. Everyone has to make up their own mind on it and there's no point trying to justify it. I personally just loved those first 2 albums and I never really paid much attention to a lot of the drama and nonsense of the band or of black metal. It was fascinating but it didn't attract me across the board. The core bands were amazing, and then there was loads of hanger on stuff that went with it. Lots of ego feeding, sycophants, the whole shebang I'm sure. In a genre that put so much emphasis on the darm, the arcane, the mystical.and hidden, it's no wonder it all started to warp.

As far as Nodtveidt, it was obvious he was not your regular sultan of swing at the gig. I don't know if drugs were playing a part but the eyes were swimming in his head. It made for a very intense experience overall. So when people talk about paying the bills or making Dawson's Creek style movies in relation to these guys, it doesn't add up. All the violence, the malevolence, the darkness, it obviously meant a lot to Nodtveidt. It's definitely not the way I would choose to live or view life..very dark and cold. One would wonder what was the source of all of it. Stuart Anstis made an interesting point one time about Aspergers I think it was, that he had it and how he was convinced Nodtveidt had it, the aloofness, the inability to empathy..who knows, I certainly don't anyway but it could explain things. The albums were class, the atmosphere on them is untouchable, especially Storm. I wluldn't be able to justify anything outside of that, other than on a purely musical level, I needed to see them live.

It's interesting though..I never really got Emperor, god knows I tried, and I always found that Faust guy a scumbag, horrible bastard. Vicious thugs an awful lot of these lads. Hard to marry it up though when you actually really love an album..an odd one indeed.

No chance i was missing that gig,im not some kind of JN fan boy,what he did was despicable,couldnt give two fucks about him,but fuck it, i wasnt letting that get in the way of me seeing them live..

#12 January 30, 2019, 08:20:07 AM Last Edit: January 30, 2019, 09:48:02 AM by Pentagrimes
Just to clarify in case anyone thinks I'm having a go: I like Dissection's music and I firmly believe it's up to everyone to draw their own line between art and artist. 

I always find it particularly intriguing that the above Wacken performance took place only two weeks or so after the Keillers Park incident.

Brings a whole different kind of intensity to the performance.

Quote from: Pedrito on January 29, 2019, 09:31:12 PM

One would wonder what was the source of all of it. Stuart Anstis made an interesting point one time about Aspergers I think it was, that he had it and how he was convinced Nodtveidt had it, the aloofness, the inability to empathy..who knows, I certainly don't anyway but it could explain things.

Yeah i heard the aspergers thing, worth noting too that he was a member  of "the Werewolf Legion" (he had the tattoo on his shoulder) which are a criminal organization based in Stockholm. . They are involved in robbery and extortion, few articles online have mentioned he was protected by gang members after the murder also the other guy that carried out the murder had strong links with the head of the gang.  Sounds like a complete scumbag but what a musician!