Which Batushka lineup is this?

I still regret not bothering to see Morbid Angel with David Vincent a decade ago so will absolutely head along to this. Don't think I've been to a metal show in six years.

Nice. No interest in the headliner but I'll go for God Dethroned and to a lesser extent Vltimas
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

Quote from: Gmajor1991 on June 07, 2024, 01:14:45 AMWhich Batushka lineup is this?
The one led by Bartłomiej "Bart" Krysiuk that lost the recent court case.

Quote from: Gmajor1991 on June 07, 2024, 01:14:45 AMWhich Batushka lineup is this?

I still regret not bothering to see Morbid Angel with David Vincent a decade ago so will absolutely head along to this. Don't think I've been to a metal show in six years.

The Covenant show in the Academy was brilliant.

The first few God Dethroned albums are good. I didn't realise that other band was David Vincent's new one with Flo, Rune etc. is the music any good?

The first Vltimas was very good, Blasphemer's stamp all over it and Vincent back to his imperious best. Latest one this year didn't hit the mark so much for me anyway.
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

God Dethroned the big draw for me ,Love their first 3/4 albums,and some other ones are class too.Vltimas surprised me when their first album was released,wasnt expecting much,but it grabbed my attention fairly quickly.

GD another band I haven't seen in years,they supported Bolt thrower in Cork in the mid 2000s.

Quote from: Thorn on June 07, 2024, 06:46:29 PMThe first Vltimas was very good, Blasphemer's stamp all over it and Vincent back to his imperious best. Latest one this year didn't hit the mark so much for me anyway.

Thanks ill check them out.

don't know any of these bands material too well but think this could be a good show

Played a fest in Glasgae a few years back and got a lift to the airport next morning with a couple of tired looking young Eastern European lads and a considerably older looking bald fella. Looked like a teacher and a group of students on a class trip or something.Turned out it was spme of Batushka  :laugh:

I completely forgot about this! Even had a ticket, fuck

God Dethroned were solid. Lovely lead guitar playing.

Was there for Vltimas and they didn't disappoint. Rune's right hand was precision drilling. David Vincent entertaining if a bit preachy at times. Did a rendition of happy birthday with the crowd and delivered a gift midset for his merch person.

I thought this was the original Batushka but it was actually faketushka or Bartushka now to be renamed Patriarkh. Atmospheric with all the church malarkey but the music dragged on a bit by the end....like mass I suppose

The kids were definitely there for Batushka....when they came on I realised I was suddenly by far the oldest person centre stage! Enjoyed it but the gimmick got old, God Dethroned were the band of the night for me.