April 09, 2024, 01:58:59 PM Last Edit: April 09, 2024, 02:41:15 PM by Eoin McLove
This was a short lived project consisting of Einar Selvik from Wardruna on drums and a dude called Haavard (not the one from Ulver) on guitar and vocals. I came across it just now after googling Wardruna who are playing here next year and I'm loving it. Strangely, it sounds very much like Ulver, specifically like a slightly rougher Bergtatt, which is to say catchy and epic and with entirely clean vocals, but still sounding like it's coming from the black or pagan metal world. All they issued in the 90s was a rehearsal tape and a 7", and the 7" at least sounds mighty.

From Haavardston 7"

Rehearsal 96

Edit. The rehearsal is really good too.