Quote from: Shitstirrer on June 23, 2024, 12:51:12 AMHonestly don't know why anyone would have any interest in this .

I've never seen Immortal or Abbath live. The set list has a lot of my favourite Immortal songs in it. I'd be there in a heartbeat if it wasn't on a weeknight in Dublin.

Why do these gigs have to be during the week ffs

The bands should really hang around in hotels til the weekend in fairness .
Actually I'm of the opinion that no true misanthropic Black Metal band should ever play live but that's a whole other arguement.
Hail Darkthrone! Hail Deathspell Omega!
Wearing jeans and leather, not crackerjack clothes

Yeah it was class, Abbath and the band were in great form, setlist was pretty good covering a track or two from all eras, seemed like a decent turnout too.

Good show but the setlist could have been a lot better and was shorter than the first gig posted on here last week. The set was too heavy on the shit era of the band (the last 3 albums with Abbath) and only 1 song each from the first 3 albums. At least we got a good few songs from At the heart. It was great to hear the call of the wintermoon live. Vocals were too low in the mix.

Good crowd for a Tuesday and I would definitely head along again if he came here with another Immortal set. His solo stuff is shite both on record and live so at this stage in his career he is probably best sticking to Immortal sets maybe do a first 3 albums only or one album in full next time around.

The merch was shite was hoping for an old Immortal logo shirt or even the hat he has been wearing in all of his recent pictures but everything was Abbath. He probably doesn't have the rights to sell Immortal stuff. I would have bought the socks for the laugh as a souvenir had they been €5 but they were €20.

What is the head dress thing he came out in for Mighty Ravendark? Looks a bit like what is on the cover of his last solo album. As much as Abbaths 'make black metal fun' antics annoy me I did laugh when he was playing the guitar beside the security guard and looking over his shoulder to see what he was doing on his phone. He does seem to be off the beer well he at least didn't drink during the show.

#67 June 27, 2024, 09:29:19 AM Last Edit: June 27, 2024, 09:36:09 AM by Necrohag
I thoroughly enjoyed that gig. A nice selection of songs (I'm in the camp that likes later era Immortal ;D ) but could have done with a few more as the set seemed so short at only 12 songs. I was hoping he might have thrown in Unsilent Storms In The North Abyss or anything else from Pure Holocaust. The Sun No Longer Rises, Withstand The Fall of Time and In My Kingdom Cold were particular highlights for me. Also, no feckin Solarfall!

The support acts were damn good too, especially The Crawling whose set seemed to be cut a bit short which was a shame, probably as it was all running about 10/15 mins behind schedule.

All in all, I'd go see Abbath again in a heartbeat if he came back with another Immortal setlist. The crowd seemed super into it all night and there was a great buzz about the place. Cheers for putting this on!

Quote from: ldj on June 27, 2024, 02:15:41 PM
Quote from: Paul keohane on June 27, 2024, 02:11:15 PMAny crab impressions?
There was one towards the end of their set aye  :laugh:  :abbath: .
Yep, caus myself and a few others around me started mimicking him. Fun times. :laugh:

would definitely hit this if it came to Belfast
i guess if it's a successful tour he might continue it... Abbath Performs Immortal Again Tour  :o  ;)