Quote from: Eoin McLove on January 23, 2024, 07:42:25 PMIt's a shame to see that ZT magazine appears to have gone even though I haven't bought it since moving away. It would be nice to see paper mags make a return.

Haven't seen anything official about ZT ending but it's looking that way alright. It was originally supposed to be every 2 months I think, but became increasingly sporadic and last year was every few months. Thought it was a great mag.
Back to pitchfork, it used to have the odd metal review but everything seemed to be either stuff on Profound Lore or Thrill Jockey. They wouldn't touch anything which didn't align with their own politics, no matter how tenuous the link. Now that's hardly surprising given it's owned by Condé Nast, but I don't really give a flying fuck about Dawn Ray'd latest release.

One of the biggest losses for me was Andy's In The Rectory retrospective. It was a fantastic piece and a great insight into the mood and frustration the lads dealt with when recording it.

Aragh, CT was a pretentious cunt. Fuck him.

Quote from: mishima on January 26, 2024, 07:58:40 PMOne of the biggest losses for me was Andy's In The Rectory retrospective. It was a fantastic piece and a great insight into the mood and frustration the lads dealt with when recording it.

The good thing about me being utterly spasticated with computers/ modern technology (life in general) is that I still use the same email address that I've used for nearly 20 years now . that means I still have access to my original copy of that interview/ review, so I can forward it on of needed.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on January 26, 2024, 08:46:06 PMThe good thing about me being utterly spasticated with computers/ modern technology (life in general) is that I still use the same email address that I've used for nearly 20 years now . that means I still have access to my original copy of that interview/ review, so I can forward it on of needed.

DMed ya!

Wudja sent it on to me too please? I'll DM you my email address. Cheers!

Quote from: Eoin McLove on January 26, 2024, 08:46:06 PM
Quote from: mishima on January 26, 2024, 07:58:40 PMOne of the biggest losses for me was Andy's In The Rectory retrospective. It was a fantastic piece and a great insight into the mood and frustration the lads dealt with when recording it.

The good thing about me being utterly spasticated with computers/ modern technology (life in general) is that I still use the same email address that I've used for nearly 20 years now . that means I still have access to my original copy of that interview/ review, so I can forward it on of needed.

Also still using a 20yr old email address. It's like an interesting searchable archive of your life...

Well strangely enough, I went trawling through all my old correspondence with CT earlier on and couldn't find the damn review. There were so many other links to interviews and reviews there but the one pertaining to this article had no feckin attachment. Luckily, I had emailed it to someone from another forum in the last year or two (or maybe five. Time....) so I was able to retrieve it. But yeah, talk about a bit of time travel this morning.

I can't bring myself to read the article. There's something slightly perverse in reading your thoughts from over a decade ago. Better left buried by time and dust.

You's could have a look through the wayback machine and see if there's any captures of those articles:


Home from the pub (I was a pint or two in when I got the email) and have just finished reading that - jaysus it's a great read, the sort of thing you'd expect to be tucked into a reissue booklet or lyric sheet. Any fan of the band or In The Rectory... in particular needs to read it.

Nice one, cheers Andy.

One thing mentioned early on, and a thing I'd noticed before but couldn't quite put a finger on is the 'swagger' in the vocals. I'd always noticed that there was something insubstantial in their sound that I couldn't pin down and that was it. Unique in terms of the 'seriousness' and overall heaviness of the band.

So Zero Tolerance will have a new issue out in April:

QuoteAfter a very long hiatus from the daily churn, I am writing to give you a long-overdue update.
2023 was not an easy time for me, I had a number of personal things to deal with that were simply unavoidable, and ultimately something had to give.
It is therefore with a sense of relief, excitement and a lot of behind-the-scenes planning that we're letting you know that all the pieces are finally in place to start moving forward.
Firstly, I am really pleased to announce that Paul Carter's taken on a new role as commissioning editor; having worked on the review section for aeons, this broader role will see the super organised Paul take charge of the day-to-day where editorial content is concerned. Paul will be the all important link between thinking about a deadline and meeting it to make sure future issues of Zero Tolerance are consistently out, and on time. We've also made some changes under the hood including the way we lay the magazine out; why come back with exactly the same format when you can come back on steroids? I'm sure you'll all like where we're going with things.
We have our first date in the bag for our return issue, #110 - which will be back in the racks on 19 April 2024. If you keep an eye on our social media over the weeks ahead you'll catch a few sneaky peeks at some of what's in store.
To get things moving - and because everyone loves a good list - we'll be revealing our Writers' Best of 2023 Lists via our website in the next few days.
So hold on to your seats, the world's best extreme music magazine is back and stronger than ever!
Lisa Macey

Good to see they are coming back. I hope the revamp doesn't change the focus on underground activity. That is to say, I hope they don't follow Terrorizer.

Good to see that ZT is still going.

Terrorizer of old was a good magazine but after 2005 they went downhill. I'd buy it and then wonder why I wasted money on a glossy pile of nothingness.

Their forum was good but I found it really tiresome that most of the people there automatically assumed my opinions on Maiden weren't worth anything just because I said Killers was overrated, despite the fact that on a lot of other areas I agreed with them. There was also some weird debate when people were thinking that I was trying to defend Lulu in a pretentious way when in actual fact I was just saying that given that Lou Reed once released a double album of feedback why should anyone be surprised that Metallica collaborating with him would produce weird results.

I used to post on the Kerrang! forums (made lots of friends via that place) and Hellride, now that was a decent forum with some interesting discussion. Messageboards in general are really underrated, I post here because it seems to be one of the few active ones still around. I also post on Metal Archives because that's a pretty active community.

Quote from: Cosmic_Equilibrium on January 30, 2024, 12:23:02 PMGood to see that ZT is still going.

Terrorizer of old was a good magazine but after 2005 they went downhill. I'd buy it and then wonder why I wasted money on a glossy pile of nothingness.

Their forum was good but I found it really tiresome that most of the people there automatically assumed my opinions on Maiden weren't worth anything just because I said Killers was overrated, despite the fact that on a lot of other areas I agreed with them. There was also some weird debate when people were thinking that I was trying to defend Lulu in a pretentious way when in actual fact I was just saying that given that Lou Reed once released a double album of feedback why should anyone be surprised that Metallica collaborating with him would produce weird results.

I used to post on the Kerrang! forums (made lots of friends via that place) and Hellride, now that was a decent forum with some interesting discussion. Messageboards in general are really underrated, I post here because it seems to be one of the few active ones still around. I also post on Metal Archives because that's a pretty active community.

You were on K? Always found it funny when someone would post something about the magazine or the channel, and everyone would go "Nobody here actually reads or watches them." There were a lot of good people on that board. And Davos.

Yeah, I went by the username sabbathfan on there. Met you at a meet at least once.