Immense stuff lads. I really like 'Going For The One' too. 

Have you heard Chris Squire 'Fish Out Of Water'? Another cracker.

Relayer prob my favourite from Yes. Might not say it's their best, just the one always clicked with me most.

Quote from: ldj on July 02, 2024, 01:06:15 AMYes - Close to the Edge

Just absolutely epic.

It's the only one I know but it's great. Dunno why I never tried any of the others tbh

Surprised they are referencing Korn given he was the singer in Kittie. I don't want to be overly harsh but he's insufferable.

#380 July 05, 2024, 04:13:04 AM Last Edit: July 05, 2024, 05:06:18 AM by Eoin McLove
Quote from: open face surgery on July 03, 2024, 06:44:38 PM

Surprised they are referencing Korn given he was the singer in Kittie. I don't want to be overly harsh but he's insufferable.

I gave up after he talked about writing his lyrics on toilet paper because it's more ephemeral. Maybe that's what turns me off them so much- his terrible fucking view of the world that leaks out through his desperate lyrics. A non-poet. A fucking anti-poet. Pretentious doesn't even come close to it, Jesus. Is he physically incapable of giving a simple answer without trying to blow people away with his cheeky Irish charm and lyrical dexterity? Vomit on legs. 

What's the Kittie link? I didn't make it to the Korn quote.

Edit. I'm going to eat my words here a bit because despite him coming off as a prize twit, and despite the band looking like something out of Metal Hammer circa 1998, that song Favourite is actually a fucking belter. Excuse me while I go fuck myself.

That was painful. Like listening to Hunter hendrix I dunno fuckin triple H out of Liturgy describe their latest album. Oftentimes it's best to just stick to the tunes rather than the cult of personality unless it's that rather great tune by Living Colour

#382 July 05, 2024, 02:39:09 PM Last Edit: July 05, 2024, 02:50:00 PM by Black Shepherd Carnage
Nothing more cringe than an evidently forced attempt to embody the whimsical cheeky rogue.

Quote from: Eoin McLove on July 05, 2024, 04:13:04 AM
Quote from: open face surgery on July 03, 2024, 06:44:38 PM

Surprised they are referencing Korn given he was the singer in Kittie. I don't want to be overly harsh but he's insufferable.

I gave up after he talked about writing his lyrics on toilet paper because it's more ephemeral. Maybe that's what turns me off them so much- his terrible fucking view of the world that leaks out through his desperate lyrics. A non-poet. A fucking anti-poet. Pretentious doesn't even come close to it, Jesus. Is he physically incapable of giving a simple answer without trying to blow people away with his cheeky Irish charm and lyrical dexterity? Vomit on legs. 

What's the Kittie link? I didn't make it to the Korn quote.

Edit. I'm going to eat my words here a bit because despite him coming off as a prize twit, and despite the band looking like something out of Metal Hammer circa 1998, that song Favourite is actually a fucking belter. Excuse me while I go fuck myself.

Starburster also great imo. New album could be an insufferable banger. Damn these kids.

The Kittie link is that he looks like the singer with his hairclips.

I thought Favourite was a shitty rip of 90s indie.

It is, but it's very catchy. I'll give Starburst a go, Pete. Cheers.

Tried those two tunes and it's nothing to do with yer man's interview or anything but it just wouldn't be for me with those vocals. Music is ok but not ok enough for me to bother trying to get over those vocals. I feel like one of the lads off Dragons Den declaring myself out

An album I was bet into when it first came out, after seeing them in The Sugar Club on the tour, popped into my head this morning. Not sure if it's making me feel 20 years younger or older, but sure look it... good album for fans of straight up jazz:

#389 July 10, 2024, 11:00:45 AM Last Edit: July 10, 2024, 11:02:49 AM by StoutAndAle